Garden Design

Indoor Garden Design with Shane Powers | west elm

Learn a variety of indoor garden design and flower arrangement ideas from designer Shane Powers in this west elm video.

Cut flowers offer the simplest way to add a floral accent to your decor. For these flower arrangement ideas, you will need just a collection of vases and garden shears. Trim the stems of your flowers at an angle, to varied heights. Be sure to measure the heights with your vases before you cut. Once you’ve created your base, add a personal touch by incorporating fiddlehead fern, tall grasses, alliums, or other accents to suit your style.

If you don’t have a garden, terrariums are a great option, especially for apartment living. Your indoor garden design can use your favorite plants and flowers and be customized to fit your decor. First time gardeners should choose plants like succulents and cacti to make caring for your terrarium simple.

In your dry terrarium, create a base by pouring in an inch of sand. Arrange your plants, still in their pots, inside the terrarium and add pumice stones in the spaces for support. Cover the stones and pots with more sand to complete your tabletop landscape. You can get creative with your terrarium design by adding different colored sand or using rocks, crystals and other accents to add textural variety.

If a terrarium isn’t for you, traditional potted plants can also be a great way to bring the outdoors into your home. Be sure to use perforated planters to allow roots to breath. Instead of regular soil, use a mixture that includes bark and charcoal and top your planter with Spanish moss for a splash of green texture.

There is no reason you shouldn’t enjoy your garden indoors and out, so use these tips to bring a green touch to your home design.

To learn more, visit:

Create a hanging garden with these suspended clear glass planters:

Browse west elm’s collection of vases and planters here:

Learn more about terrarium design from Shane Powers:


  1. printed instructions from west elm state that you should use a paintbrush to move aside sand and water using an eyedropper, then replace sand using the paintbrush. and this needs to be done every few days of course. who has the time or patience for that? get real.

  2. Hey! Thanks for this helpful video. By the way, I hear lots of people keep on talking about flower design program called Flowerolign Training (do a search on google), but I'm not sure if it is really good. Have you thought about Flowerolign Training? I have heard several amazing things about it and my buddy finally learn flower design easily, but she refuses to tell me: (

  3. I've been looking at these AeroGarden indoor garden kits for a couple years now, ever since they were offered to Vine customers. They however received a large garden and this is the small one. Still, I snagged it up. As a huge fan of fresh herbs over dried I've wanted to have an indoor garden for this reason. I live in the country and every year the animals destroy my garden and herbs are one of the plants they love the most>>>  . The Internet is full of information on this product and there are many videos that give you a good look at it. What you see is what you get. It's simple yet effective design works well.

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