Backyard Garden

Vegetables You Can Grow in the Winter – My Organic Backyard Garden Tour

John from takes you on a tour of his backyard urban raised bed desert vegetable garden in the winter. In this episode, you will learn what John is growing in the Winter of 2019 in his backyard organic garden in Zone 9a.

In this episode, you will get a quick tour of all the different vegetables John is growing in his winter garden that can handle light frost without a problem.

You will learn about the diversity of vegetables that John is growing as well as learn about the vegetables that have grown the best for him this winter.

After watching this episode, you will know which crops will grow in the winter time in zone 9a so you can easily grow food year-round to be more sustainable and healthy.

Referenced Episodes:

How to Grow Tea at Home

Killed Gynra Procumbens due to frost

Self Watering Planters

Vegetables that have Grown the best in my garden

Installation of Fabric Long Pot

Easiest Plant to Grow from the Grocery Store

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  1. Another good esp you mention 60 days before the next harvest you should do a video showing people how to preserve food and plan ahead to cover that 60 days

  2. Oh wow! This is amazing! I had no idea so much could grow in winter! We are just starting out with our garden zone 9 in Texas. Very inspirational and very amusing videos! Thank you!

  3. What a dope garden! I live in the north east of England, and I’ve just bought my first mini greenhouse to start growing some of my own food in my tiny concrete yard. I want all of the plants and flowers in my garden to be edible ❤️ I’m only 23 and have a hard time finding people my age who share this interest with me, so it’s good to learn from videos like yours! Keep it up dude

  4. Your garden is so organized. You have a great deal of crops, do you sell any of your stuff at farmers markets?

  5. Love the color of your Purple Tree Collards. Garden looks good. Mine is brown and dead. The snow has melted and everything will be green in a month or so. Thank you for sharing.

  6. 🌻 I agree, everyone nowadays wants everything instantly. Not only that, people are busy and if it's not their passion, they won't be doing it, such as gardening. I live in So Cal, you would think everyone would be growing something. When I ask people if they garden I get looks like, "Why would I do that?"

  7. I have watched many of your vids…but never heard u say anything about whether u sell any cuttings. Would love to get dome cutyings of your grern kale tree. I hsve just orderef the purple tree collard. But have not found a way to get the green kale free. Im in ca may i buy some cuttings from u?

  8. Big thumbs up to this video from down here in Tasmania. Do you guys get frosts up there in LA? I ain't growing any food crop throughout our winters unless they are frost hardy.

  9. Do tree collards get whiteflies? I'm in zone 8 and most the time our winter is not cold enough to suppress white flies so I'm always having to deal with them… Love the idea of tree collards, but I'm afraid that they'd be permanent perennial harborage for whiteflies.

  10. Coming from a colder climate in the high rocky mountains I always get a little jealous of those in warmer climates that has a longer outdoor growing season. In order for me to achieve similar results I have to grow indoors or in a greenhouse.

  11. Love your video's (though I don't agree with everything you promote) but only watch so many, due to time constraints. Would be nice if you shortened some of them…fell as though some of the commentary could be truncated or a little more concise. I think you did that in this video–much more to the pt. Appreciate all you do to share !

  12. Whoa! Attack of the giant rosemary! Love it! Too much cement bricks for me, though; alas, they do retain heat.

  13. looking for tree collard seeds and can't find any……How and where do I find tree collards?

  14. I’m new to the channel and this is so cool! I live too far north to be growing much during the winter, so this is amazing to see!

  15. I love this video (as always). I do have a few questions.
    How big is your whole backyard garden space?
    Are the blocks you use for some of the beds a particular type of block?
    Where did you get the 3 foot(?) round beds that you have?
    Keep up the good work & I always look forward to your videos!

  16. This was great, been searching for "how to start an organic garden from scratch" for a while now, and I think this has helped. You ever tried – Nonannah Hanulian Future – (search on google ) ? Ive heard some amazing things about it and my mate got excellent results with it.

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