Garden Plans

These 5 Easy House Plants Filter Your Aquarium!

In this video, I show 5 easy plants to grow out the top of your aquarium.

0:00 Intro
2:05 Philodendron
3:25 Pothos
4:43 Spider Plant
5:49 Walking Iris
6:04 Peace Lily
6:48 Monstera
7:55 Syngonium


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  1. Pothos is great, except it will not work for us, as it is poisonous for cats and dogs. I have now some Lucky Bamboo. But hope to add more in the future. Especially low lighting plans. Need some 'tough' stuff that also works for goldfish type fish. So thanks for this topic, always more to learn ;0)

  2. Fantastic video! Do you sleep though man? Your schedule must be insane with this store and a breeding setup!

  3. I'm considering overhead planter "sump" behind my largest tank just to grow some houseplants. There are already two Peace Lilies and pothos in the corners, but the pothos gets a lot of heat from the light and so would any other plant. On the other hand it's heavily planted with less nitrates than my tap water.

  4. Just gotta be careful with these plants ey, peace lilies for example can kill dogs cats and parrots.

  5. And, in addition to filtering the water, plants are improving your indoor air quality–spider plants, in particular, are good at this (NASA has even done research on them in space).

  6. Great video Nick, you can also use some aquatic plants in this way as well, some stem plants do well especially if they have been grown emerged by the whole sellers or other plants like Amazon Swords, they will readily flower and produce suckers for you, even sedges, some of them have really attractive root systems as well, give them a try if you get a chance.

  7. if i put methylene blue to cure fish sickness, will the plants be affected too?

  8. cool..OK how bot spider plants n what bot bamboo
    ?,I have goldfish .no worries if they pick at roots ?

  9. Nick, you don't realise the impact your having on people. I'm out here at 42yo thinking I can open a fishstore aswell lol. One tanks turned in 34 tanks in the last week alone. My 14yo sons got involved and now the wife's mad.
    Funny I went to pick up six tanks and that guy showed me his new fishroom had to laugh he said he watched every single one of your videos

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