Edible Gardening

Complete Gardening Skill Guide [Base Game, Seasons, Cottage Living] | The Sims 4

A guide looking at the gardening skill in the Sims 4, including the basics, helpful aspirations and traits, all of the skill level unlocks, as well as additional information and awesome features to help you get more out of the skill. Please like and comment, and Subscribe here: https://bit.ly/2ZM0L4h

In addition to looking in depth at the gardening skill in the base game, this guide will also look at how Seasons and Cottage Living impact on the gardening skill.


Snapdragon + Strawberry gives Dragonfruit
Dragonfruit + Snapdragon, gives Cowplant Berry
Strawberry + Daisy gives Bonsai Buds
Apple + Cherry gives Pomegranate
Lily + Snapdragon gives Orchid
Orchid + Pomegranate gives Death Flower

U.F.O. Fruit Guide

The U.F.O. plant is found by completing space missions. You’ll need to get The Green Man scenario, and answer the scenario by: landing in the swamp, and then taking the weapon. Upon your return you’ll be given a U.F.O. Fruit which you can then plant.

0:00 Introduction
0:30 Gardening basics
3:36 Helpful traits and aspirations
5:37 Gardening skill level unlocks
12:43 Cool base game gardening things [cowplants, magic trees, bonsais and more]
17:07 Gardening and Seasons
21:54 Gardening and Cottage Living
25:31 Gardening and Realm of Magic
25:58 Outro

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/peterconte1/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/peter_conte


  1. This was so indepth! I love it! I feel so Inspired! Ya know what I will go forth and make the garden of my dreams! Thank you for all your help Petey! You are the best! Thank you for taking the time to even make this video! Cya Later!

  2. Thanks for another great video! I've been playing the Sims games since Sims 1, and I almost always learn something new from your videos – this one included.
    One thing to note that I didn't see in the video: You can often get Uncommon and Rare plants easily via the gardening and grocery stalls in Henford-on-Bagley, especially during festivals when they sell mystery boxes. Additionally, the magic shops in the Magic Realm sometimes have these plants, too, and I've found Death Flowers there multiple times. (We need to check every day after they re-stock until we get lucky, of course…can't have it be TOO easy.)

  3. Gardening seems to always mess up on my game. Harvest a few plants in the morning and then, BAM! Plants turn into seedlings before I can harvest the rest.

  4. This was so awesome! Just a little sidenote for those who may not know and that you have mentioned in previous videos, the bees also produce beeswax as well as honey if you have eco lifestyle. The beeswax can be used to make candles! I really enjoy how this skill is so integrated with so many expansion packs! Thank you so much for sharing this in depth video! It was amazing as always.

  5. You’re videos are always soooo good. I’m a heavy sim-er and always have a garden. Learned a bunch of details from your video. Much appreciated!!!

  6. I'm not quite done yet so maybe you mention it, but the tiny living pack's lot types are excellent for gardening perks

  7. I’m surprised Eco Lifestyle got no love in this video-the vertical planter, the hydro planter, even the little bug farm.

  8. I am truly enjoying your Skill Guides. I have been a Sims Player for 18 years, and you have helped me really fall in love with the Sims 4 and I look forward to watching your skill guides Thank you So much!

  9. Thank you for this gardening skill guide. I learned a couple of new things. Your videos are great!

  10. Hey, I know this is totally random and not related to this video but I wanted to share some information that I’m not entirely sure if you happen to know but I thought it was an amazing hack. I recently started trying to complete the super parent aspiration, so I was watching one of your videos about how to raise your children’s character traits, and I was having trouble building the emotional control… I know you can write in a journal and as a teen go on runs/jogs and things like that but I felt like the options were very limited to children… but then I discovered children can do yoga and meditate! Which builds up emotional control and not just that, it also builds two skills at the same time, motor and logic. Again, I just thought this was an amazing discovery and I thought you should know in case you didn’t 😬

  11. My best tip for gardening is to build a huge two story building. Add a glass roof. Delete the walls and floors. Add columns if you feel the need. Now plant everything underneath this "greenhouse ". Everything should grow year round. Don't forget the bee box!

  12. oh cool… never thought about building a greenhouse. Thanks for the idea as I have a few gardeners in my game.

  13. Hi Peter, I just installed most of the expansion packs on my PC and your videos realllllly helped me with the tiniest details for me to get started everything. Thank you so much!🎉🎉🎉❤❤

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