Japanese Garden

Tokyo Walk, Shibuya in early November, 4K Virtual Tour | 11月上旬の渋谷散歩, 東京

On Saturday 5 November, I walked around Shibuya from JR Shibuya station, where a small Japanese garden had appeared for some reason. There was a huge queue for crepes at Viron, perhaps because it was featured in the media. The rooftop of Miyashita Park, the last stop, was very crowded.


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I have started a dedicated channel documenting the views from London buses.
[ LONDON BUS ] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDIHhl-ewCmOK66girZ874A

Videos of London walks are available on the following dedicated channels.
[ LONDON WALK ] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdI9oogNo-QqvaDgMxGTDcg

You can enjoy the virtual trips through the playlists below 🙂

Tokyo | 東京

Walking at Night | 夜の散歩

Walking in the Rain | 雨の散歩

Walking in the Dawn | 夜明けの散歩

Walking in the Snow | 雪の散歩

Ambience for Relaxation, Healing, Study and Sleep | リラックス, 癒し, 集中, 睡眠

Illuminations | イルミネーション

Station, Airport | 駅, 空港

Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/great.route.production/


  1. Great tour!! I never tire of enjoying Shibuya tours. I love its atmosphere both day and night. Thanks for showing. Greetings from Spain my friend 😊

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