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GOP In Shambles! Democrats Secure Control Of U.S. Senate

After months of guaranteeing a ‘monsoon-like’ beat down, the Republican party is reeling from their stunning loss in last weeks midterms. Now, as the senate race in Nevada is called in favor of the Democrats, control of the U.S. Senate will remain blue for two more years. David Shuster breaks it down on Rebel HQ.

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  1. Biden should re-balance SCOTUS, or the USA faces deadly perils ahead. The likes of Clarence Thomas in particular, need to be neutralised either by impeachment, or stacking the court.

  2. I absolutely love it. I love how those right wing Hate mongreening so-called christians are going down in flames. You lost your soul to trump. You turned on the word of Christ for that liar and Cheat. Every one of you so called christians if you believe in heaven just think about it you're not going there. You will follow trump straight in the hell.🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣

  3. After they turned off the cameras monitoring the vote count in Nevada? Gee, what a shockπŸ™„

  4. Hope they do something this time. Passed: George Floyd Laws, John Lewis and get rid of Q I. , For these WS kkk proud oath boys neo Nazis thugs (police).

  5. and the GOP took/will take the house…why arnt yall talking about that? oh yeah, cause you wanna keep your portion of the voting population as dumb as possible, right?

  6. We still need to get Warnock elected to reduce the influence of Manchinema for the next two years. They'll still have some influence, especially if one of them jumps ship and joins the Republikkkans.

  7. The dems can actually add one more to their majority. Bernie Sanders doesn't vote with the Republicans πŸ˜‚. There's also another independent that I think leans dem.

  8. Givers and takers of federal tax dollars, state by state. Check out the numbers, and who their senators are.

  9. Biden needs to make three nominations to the supreme court to have 12 justices…one for each district. ASAP !!!

  10. Kevin Copeland scares the fuck out of me! I think he's possessed by a malevolent energy that has walked this earth for a very long time. Look at his eyes and the way he is cackling, the dude isn't right.

  11. Now that the trumpster Taliban didn't get their Red Wave, America wants our version of a red wave to be flowing viscerally in the gutters. It would be such a beautiful sight

  12. I guess losing the House is really a victory for the Dems. Now they don't have to bear sole responsibility for the continued downward spiral of living standards for the American people.

  13. Dr. Grande? Come on TYT dude is not it! He's arrogant and usually very biased in his analyses. His condescension is only outweighed by his ego.

  14. Trump2024 Who Cares About Your Feelings: I love to supporting traitors and election deniers who is still supporting the evil, orange and dumb devil Donald Trump, I am a sucker and I love being part of the whole Trump Cult.
    I don't have any self awareness , and I haven't realized that the Red Wave was a YUGE failure!

  15. Many of you are laughing and saying "There was no red wave!"
    You people must be blind!
    Did you not see America WAVE GOODBYE TO THEIR RED A$$ESπŸ˜‚

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