Container Gardening




  1. Good morning, β˜• blessings βœŒπŸ½πŸŒΊπŸ¦‹πŸ₯°πŸ’žπŸ€²πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½β€οΈ,cold ❄ πŸ₯ΆπŸ₯°

  2. That's why I respect the homesteaders in those yesteryears who had to get out there in the bitterly cold, to survive a harvest. Don't harvest,don't eat. Brings to mind deep appreciative determination and tiredness, weariness, 😀 frustration.

  3. I live in an apartment, and doing the best I can …nonetheless, if I had land, I'll be out there doing a doggone thing,persevering 😣 full throttle, hello.

  4. Wow ,weather is different there then the other day. It is cold here in MARYLAND, been in the 30 and 40s. Freezing temperatures windy also but im grateful cause it could be worse. Stay safe, and warm.πŸ™‚β€

  5. Cynthia I forgot to tell you when you transplant that they might look like they are dying but don't pull them up just leave them alone it's because they go into a shock mode it can take up to 1 – sometimes 2 weeks to bounce back if they are going to take. I was going to say to put a doubled up sheet or a thinner blanket on some of your vegetables that it's too cold for! Also I would definitely cut the flowers and bring them in because when the frost comes they are just going to die from the frost anyways but if you are worried about the bee's go to your local nursery and see if they have any flowers that are for this time of season. Here in Springfield, Massachusetts on Tuesday night to early Wednesday morning here we had some rain and a thin coating of snow but when I woke up yesterday morning it was all gone but in the upper northwestern cities they got an 1- 2 inches of snow!

  6. We've had snow here. Still have some flowers that are hanging on and blooming. Plan on moving them around to the back yard to get them farther from the road. Don't want them to get the shoveled snow dumped on them. Take care and stay warm.

  7. We have a little snow on the ground 😬 I don't like winter weather before it's even winter. πŸ™„

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