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The Seven Deadly Sins: Sloth | Belief It Or Not

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People love to shame people and call them lazy, but does laziness even exist.

Hosted by Trevor Poelman

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  1. I feel like I embody all deadly sins except Envy. Pride being the biggest factor.

  2. Sloth; definitely my favorite sin. 😏
    I wouldn't sell my soul for lust or gluttony, but damnit, I would lead Satan's zombie hordes during the Apocalypse; just don't make me get out of this fuckin' bed!

  3. Mark Clark sounds like a cartoon character you'd expect to see in Futurama pulling some kind of grift.

  4. Dude, I ran into your content recently. Your commentary has been so freaking awesome and relatable. It's really helped me reflect on my own philosophies, and refine my own reasoning. When I saw The Seven Deadly Sins as your next vid, I started vibrating with excitement. My first tattoo, my game handle, and a BIG part of my own life is Wrath. As I broke further and further away from my faith, and subsequently the more toxic aspects of my family, I was constantly accused/reminded of my anger issues, my inability to process anger, etc. It was such a big part of my personality, that I got it tattooed on my arm to remind myself that it was my personal sin, and I needed to keep it in check. Years later, and a lot of therapy, taught me that anger was a natural response to some of the stuff I was going through, and while my outlets were unhealthy, the feeling it'self wasn't the problem. It adjusted a lot of how I look at life, and I am through the moon that such a thoughtful content creator is probably going to have a vid dedicated to it. I appreciate all your videos and your hard work, and applaud the HELL out of your sobriety. Keep being awesome my dude.

  5. I grew up being taught that I’m inherently lesser for being legally blind and that in order to be considered equal or worthwhile I have to work extra hard to be equivalent. And they never diagnosed me with ADHD until waaay later. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard “if only he was applying himself he’d he so brilliant.” Never did anyone ask WHY my grades suddenly dropped from As and Bs to Cs and Ds, it was just “he’s lazy.”

  6. Years ago, I was having an idle chat with the facilities manager at the company I was working at. I was one of the employees he trusted most for work opinions and job assessments. That day, the workload was lighter than usual, hence the idle chat. He asked me what my ideal employee/worker is, and I told him that it is someone who is lazy.

    It should be needless to say, but these days, I have to say it, so…he requested clarification on that.

    I said that there are two types of lazy: lazy that neglects work, which is what most think of, and lazy that minimizes work, which is my ideal. When he asked for examples of the neglectful lazy, I simply pointed at some of my coworkers (the objectively sh^tty ones, mind you), to which he said, "Noted." He already knew of the crap they were pulling that negatively impacted operations, but they kept getting away with it because they had the company head's protection.

    When he then asked about the minimizing lazy, I explained how they cut out unnecessary while not compromising on quality and obviously not speed – this is an oversimplification of the one I actually gave him. At the end of my explanation, I pitched a couple of proposals that would reduce the workload for those involved, one of which I learned by the time I was gone from the company was implemented.

    He also knew that I was an atheist, so he asked me about who does more, a Christian (he was referring to the company head) or an atheist. To that, I asked him which hands would he prefer, a pair that spends an hour a week doing a hobby, or a thousand pairs that spend an hour a week clasped together in prayer. His answer, which sounded brilliant to me then (and still kind of does), went:

    "The pair with the hobby, because whatever that hobby is, it demonstrates tangible skill that was undoubtedly cultivated. Even a pair that only just barely got started at the hobby shows a willingness to get better. The prayer pairs only show that they would much rather talk than do, preferring to endlessly mooch as a permanent charity case."

  7. I have argued that God is the laziest being ever. After all, even in what is supposed to be his own book, in the very first story given, all he did was speak, and sh^t happened after he spoke. He never actually did any work…and yet he still needed a day off – no, wait, he needed THREE days off, as Christians gave him Sunday, Jews gave him Saturday, and Muslims gave him Friday.

    What a f^^^ing lazy bum, that God. Maybe that is why the majority of Christian prayers are given on Sunday – they are trying to get him off his lazy @$$ for a change.

  8. My mom: oh, I'm so lazy cuz I'm sitting here for 10 minutes and feel tired. I should be doing chores or work or xyz!

    Me: ffffff.

  9. 49:20 that actually makes me mad. I’m currently studying young childhood education and it is scientifically proven and universally accepted that play is ESSENTIAL to a healthy childhood. Not just beneficial, ESSENTIAL.

    Kindergartners suffer later if too much of their play is replaced with academic training, can you imagine the damage being done to working 5-year-olds during the industrial revolution? Or even older kids who, on top of working, had to raise their younger siblings?

    This is why I can’t take conservative pundits seriously. Every time I hear about a conservative “hot take” it’s in direct opposition to both scientific fact and human decency. Every fucking time. Climate change. Abortion. Queer rights. Gun control. There’s not a single issue that I’ve heard of as of yet where conservatives have science, sociology, psychology or even ethics on their side. They either have to lie, twist the facts, or be idiots to get their point across.

    *the time stamp thing is doing something weird I’m talking about the part with Candace Owens

  10. Christians are so hypocritical. Even your GOD needed to rest when he made the world, do you think you’re better than your god? Do you think your workers are better than your god? People need rest.

  11. ✨Congratulations on getting off the sauce dude. Getting clean is hard as hell. Really impressed by and proud of you.✨

  12. Man the guy who says the best opportunity for growth is working a job you hate is so out of touch. I really like my job, but I would never do it for free LMAO

  13. As someone who gets regularly called lazy for living of disabilaty aid, this one hits a little close to home. I'm going to watch something more lightharted for my mental health. Hope this comment helps out the algoritme instead, because you do make good content.

  14. 8:42 he said “work is a great blessing.” no work literally exists as a curse according to the bible

  15. I am 33. I have never been able to work, right out of high school I've had migraines on a 4-5 time a week basis, I have nerve problems, spine problems, I have mental disabilities, I have cancer that makes my skin burn and hurt constantly. I CAN'T work. I'm on SSI and don't make enough to get by without help from my parents. These "Christians" no…these….things…make me absolutely sick every time they open their mouths. I'm a net zero to society? I'm a burden to those who work? I'm a social parasite? What do they suggest I do? Pray about it? Did that for 10 years, nothing. I've taken medicines, they help but not enough to make me "productive" I've tried my best and all I get. CONTINUALLY, is THIS kind of bullshit language from these people. Hell, I've been told BY CHRISTIANS, that I should buy a gun because then I'd at least stop being a drain on the social order. that its a "good final investment" and to "Give back what I've taken from them".

  16. I'd argue that a lot of jobs are actually counter-productive to society. It's contributing more to the world to stay home and read things on my phone than it is to do work that enables a company that's destroying the environment with carbon emissions or using child sweatshops

  17. I've been trying to tell people for years that Pinterest is the devil's tool!

    Honestly this video popped up in my recommendations at the perfect time. Even though I left the medical field,the guilt and self hatred that industry embedded in me has been so hard to shake off.

  18. 29:47
    Yeah, okay, maybe I am a sinner. People want service on a Sunday? They need someone to serve them. My coworkers don't wan't to work Sundays so they can have the same weekend as others in their life? Gotta find who's willing to do the shift.

    Moral of the story: Don't cooperate with people and don't volunteer to be there for people on Sunday, because helping people is a sin on Sunday.

  19. Only just got through the intro, this is already a fabulous video and I can't wait to see your take on the rest of the Seven Deadlies

  20. According to the bible, ADHD is the devil.
    Therefore I AM THE DEVIL!!!!
    Edit, being how much medical science is now understood, I guess the devil is getting lazy too.

  21. Gotta love how all of those interviews about how no one wants to work only ever interview business owners and never the workers. It's always the boss saying that the workers are lazy, but you never get to hear about how absolutely shitty the boss is and why no one wants to work for them.

    Also, as someone who deals with anxiety I find that it's MUCH easier to keep my mind from focusing on negative thoughts or doom spiraling when I have some form of media going in my ear. So while I'm at work I almost always have a YouTube video going or I'll be listening to an audio. Bare minimum I'll be rocking out to some music depending on how much focus I need to do what I'm doing. I'm sure I look like one of those people that's permanently glued to their phones, but this makes me a much happier and more productive person and lets me cope with my issues.

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