Gardening Supplies




  1. My succulent stressed and it became a different succulent type and its not coming back to normal no matter what and this happened on a few succulents,but they are healthy. Do you know why it happens?

  2. Great video as always. The only thing I would add is to tell people they don't need to spend hundreds of dollars or get those ridiculous magenta "grow lights," succulents can absolutely be grown indoors and it doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg or cause headaches. 5000K+ Daylight Bulbs are inexpensive and can be put in most desk lamps and overhead lights.
    For reference, I live in an apartment in Seattle with no patio and only one south facing window. I started in summer with that one windowsill then bought the silly magenta USB "grow lights" for the darker months and put it right above my plants, like only 8" or less above them. They got so stretched out starving for light and my variegated jade got burnt from the heat of it. Now, I have a desk lamp with a 5000K (kelvin) daylight bulb a whole foot or more above them and after only a month they look so much happier. Please spread the word on that so people will stop pouring their money into things that don't work.
    Love your videos! Keep it up 🙌

  3. Great video and great information! I like how you point out the relationship between soil makeup and watering. I'd never heard it described that way before. Excellent 😄

  4. Hello; it s my first year with echeverias! After seeing your video ; I realise that I would be obliged to find out solution to keep my echeverias on my balcony and saved from rain! woud you advice me to buy something to keep them in light and protected from rain?! I thought I could just put them in my appartement but it seems not to be the good o^tion! thanks for your advices!

  5. All the time your videos are very much helpful but unfortunately I couldn't save these during summer season. Now trying once again 😃🤣

  6. Once again thank you so much for this video. When we see lots of succlent video thats hit in our mind but still we don't understood the reasons of dying or changing conditions of succulent. If say in one word. 10tips are enough for care of succulent. 🙏🏻

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