Container Gardening

How To Grow Vegetables And Rose Plants In Containers | Container Gardening | Organic

How To Grow Vegetables And Rose Plants In Containers | Container Gardening | Organic


Planting vegetables in containers is an excellent way of growing edible crops, particularly where space is limited.

Pots,tubs, buckets and grow-bags can all be used to allow gardeners without time or room for a vegetable plot to grow fresh, tasty produce
Smaller containers can result in a lack of moisture and nutrients for plant roots. Aim for containers with a depth and width of at least 10-15 inches, otherwise frequent watering and feeding will be needed
Compost choice

Use organic compost such as decomposed cow dung,leaf compost,vermi compost, Onions and Garlic Peels, Egg shells.

Mesmerize by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (

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