Edible Gardening

Growing your Greens Suburban Front Yard Edible Garden Update after a week in Peru

John from http://www.growingyourgreens.com shows you a peek of his trip to Peru and then a garden update on the day he returns to his Suburban front yard Edible garden. See whats growing, get the latest updates and learn what John is eating for dinner!


  1. Great videos, every one of them. Do you cook any of your veggies or do you only eat them raw? If you do cook some of them, like Bok Choy, perhaps tell us some of your recipes. You make me want to move to the west coast.

  2. no! there is no need to cook any of the tender sweet leafy greens that you grow in a home garden, in fact heat destroys the vital living enzymes in vegetables as well as diminishing the vitamins and nutrients in each leaf! love, nova

  3. I thought you weren't supposed to plant food in the same spot where you have grown sunflowers. Something about the shells having poison in them and the food absorbing it. I heard that when I was a child, is it not true?

  4. Really like your enthusiasm John! I noticed you have a lot of irrigation tubes with little knobs at regular intervals. How is the water delivered? Can you explain your irrigation system? Thanks

  5. I have a drip irrigation system using 5/8 drip pipe with emitters stuck into it as needed. This is controlled by a water timer and I have a ball valve in each bed to adjust the flow of the water. Check my other videos. I have several episodes on irrigation.

  6. always love your videos won seeds in you last contest. sent sasa but got nothing yet ?? would be happy to what ever you have not just the three ideas you asked for . keep up the great show . I tell everyone to watch your show

  7. yaay got my seeds today never tried artichokes before. hope they do ok in AZ. will share some with my momtoo. loved the look at the terraced garden in peru

  8. Hey John, My daughter and grand kids and son-in-law live in Lima. He is Peruvian. She travels to Cuzco quite often. She works for International Students Abroad and takes students all over Peru. The Students live with locals and go to University in Lima and Cuzco.Great to see this video. Thanks.

  9. What kind of Bochoy is that? I bought some baby bochoy seeds, 30 day, and have had no results yet. Will try again when it is warmer. Thanks

  10. Hello John. I know this video is older. But I was hoping you could tell me where I can get those pavers. I could not find them at my local home depot. Were they special order? I believe in a separate video you mentioned that they are not traditional garden pavers but maybe for some other kind of use, bathrooms? not sure. Anyway I wanted to do something similar in between my raised beds and this would really work.

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