Backyard Garden

Backyard Garden Tour – Vegetables I'm Growing in the Desert

John from shows you what he is growing and harvesting right now in his winter organic vegetable garden. You will learn the vegetables that he grows in the cool season in his zone 9a desert garden.

In this episode, John walks you around his backyard Mohave desert urban vegetable garden, and shares with you all the baby plant starts he is planting in his garden and what he has already planted in his garden. You will discover how he uses some of the vegetables that he grows and what he has learned about growing some of the vegetables.

You will also learn about some of the unique vegetables he is growing, which ones did well, and which ones did not do so well.

You will learn how a watering issue stressed out his plants and caused them to bolt prematurely.

You will learn what he was able to grow over the wintertime when the weather got below freezing on many nights. You will also learn which crops grow the best with less sun exposure.

After watching this episode, you will be more familiar with some of the cold-tolerant vegetables that you should grow if you live in a climate that can lightly freeze in the fall and winter so you can continue to grow your organic food.

Referenced Episodes
How I Make My Green Juice in Bulk

Why every gardener needs to grow purple foods

Tree Collards – My favorite Perennial Vegetable

Do this to all your potted fruit trees in the dormant season

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Referenced Links:
Buy Real Wasabi Plant Starts at


  1. Hey John, thanks for another great video! Question for you: With the peppers 🫑 you plant this spring, how long will they thrive/produce in your area? Do you overwinter inside or start fresh each year? You’re a great inspiration and source of knowledge for us noobs out here in Henderson (9b). Thanks again!

  2. This is probably a silly question, but what is the best way to top off soil in a bed when you grow year round? 🤔

  3. What a superb garden! You are the gardener king! Thank you for all the info. If you can, provide a list of all the plants in the descriptions.

  4. I could see Elon Musk hiring you for consultation on the best plants for Mars. We need more people like you, thanks for all the videos.

  5. Hey John, what was the name of that Chinese immortality herb you mentioned?

  6. I live in Las Vegas too and just built some raised beds for my oversized south facing condo patio. Fingers crossed everything thrives and survives!

  7. I grow purple potatoes , purple carrots and other wide diversity of plants/food, because of the anthocyanins , i tell people about the lab mice story u talked about , also .

  8. Hey John, been watching you forever. I'm buying a house very soon and going from potted gardening to raised beds, something I'm very excited about. Now I have a problem, I live in a town that have deer, have you encountered this problem in any of the places you have visited, and if so what seems to work the best? Thanks in advance, love your work, keep it up man. -Logan

  9. Hey John just curious where you purchase your plants in the Las Vegas valley and also how in the world do you keep cats out of your beds ? I’m having the hardest time weeding them out .
    Thank you 🙏🏽

  10. In my old house I had tons of peppers and in my new house the pepper plant turns yellow and doesn’t even grow. What can I use to build up my soil that is good for peppers?

  11. Hi , I recently got very interested in organics and the benefits from it largely from watching and learning from this channel. I want to make aerated compost teas. so far I have 1 45 watt aerator, can someone please tell what would be more efficient and if these figures are correct?
    2 x 45 watt aerators uses 90 watts, will do140 liters of compost tea.
    1 x 135 watt aerator uses 135 watts , will do 120 liters of compost tea

  12. Seems that John is a real enthusiast – avid gardener, avid juicer and avid vegan. I’m growing only tomatoes and herbs. Could never handle that much, let alone consume it. Costco and my local supermarket make it easy with quite a bit of organic produce. Got to hand it to him!

  13. Your garden is beautiful! Such a great start to the season. I can see you put a lot of work and love into growing! I also have a backyard garden it’s the start of my 3 year now but there is still so much to learn and I appreciate any tips, tricks and visual presentations you’ve provided. I’m looking forward to learning more from each other as we grow! 🍓🥭🍅🍉🍐🍏🍋🍊🍇🍒

  14. Dude, I love your videos… But I have no idea where to start…on you level. Half of everything I plant die because everything has to be in a pot, because of 🦀 crabgrass. Everyone has crabgrass so I cannot get rid of it.

  15. I've been doing a lot of research on what will grow here good in Northeast Texas super hot summers and we do get freezing sometimes snow any suggestions or something that will produce a lot

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