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WARNING: Saudi Arabia EXPOSED Biden's Plan.. Survival Threat! (PREPARE FOR THE NEXT OIL CRISIS)

This is worse than I had originally imagined..


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  1. I live in Washington state and the gas prices literally go up while I am work. It will be 4.29 a gallon at 430a.m. at 1:30 a.m. it will be 4.39 a gallon. It has been doing this since October.

  2. Satan and his minions,hard at work, he needs to be in a rest home care.and his handlers ,Jill,laboma,Clinton's, and the rest of he'll should disappear.


    I JUST MIGHT GO AHEAD AND JOIN 'EM, TOO.😆😘🧐🧐🧐🧐💥💥😍❤️😍🤩🥰🥰🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳

  4. Mostly crap talk..the root cause is Opec is tired of US bullying ways and sees current sanctions on Russia and coming of BRICS as an opportune time to break away from the US hegemon to bring about a fairer world for all. i.e. put an end to US living off the world merely by printing more soon to be useless dollar.

  5. People don't educate themselves about government, but if you ask them any questions about sports, or entertainment, they know everything. That's why that saying you get the government you deserve, is true.

  6. Who the fuck is this guy? Who is "Kevin"? He's been here on youtube for a very short time.
    If you ask me "Kevin" is just reading scripts being prepared by some hidden actor.

    Just listen to his presentation. He's just reading a script. No Bio. No nothing.

    Once again… Who is this fucker?

  7. just yesterday I heard Biden talking about maybe start building structures in Saudi Arabia for they can start producing energy now😩

  8. Billions being poured into the 2024 election just for democrats… why? Who ? For what? Beach front property ?

  9. …if you think they care about us you are wrong. De pop. ulation is part of their master plan….they want 75% of us. d. e. a. d…..true story…

  10. Don’t you feel like we are in a movie like monsters ink where our emotions feed some sort of energy machine? They sure like to mess with our minds,what do you think?

  11. They are doing this on purpose and ultimately for our deaths. Around the world. Can we get him impeached

  12. Almost all the problems in the world caused by Democrats party . They created enmities with allies when they impose American culture on other nations by force ! the opposite with Republicans who respect other cultures and only think about business. That’s why all the world hate US when they have Democrat president except Europe because they share almost the same culture. I’m from Saudi Arabia and I’m proud of my culture and I like and respect American culture because no one force me ! I’ve lived in the states for 5yrs and I have a lot of American friends who respect my believe and culture as well as I do. Saudi – American relations throughout 80 years have been ups and downs especially when there’s a Democrat president but the strong personality in both leaderships always maintain their relations with businesses and common interests . Bide has a weak personality and It’s impossible for him to run a store ! How can he run a country especially when the country is powerful in the world !

  13. I’m glad you made this video & brought this to more ppl attention. Biden has lied about several things from day one. Oil, all a lie! Abortion rights, all a lie! Student loan forgiveness, all a lie! And he knew it. They all knew. The oil is exactly why we’re facing ww3. 2 yrs ago we were energy independent & had strong security. Not now. 2 yrs ago inflation was 1.7% I believe. Gas $2 or less. food affordable. We had free speech, we were free thinkers! Now the Biden admin has cut down 14 million trees for wind mills!!!! Trees that we need, animals need, that take years & years to grow back! The EV batteries & mining much worse for the planet. Just ask Chile. OPEC oil is dirty oil! At least ours is clean & we do try to produce environmental friendly products. How much more money can u afford to give Ukraine? A $1000? A million? All of us & our kids & future grandkids will be poor, hungry, freezing, sick with a lot less & they want us to like it. It’s truly sickening! But yet the blinded sheep that have been brainwashed still vote for them instead doing their own research. America is a joke right now & everyone in every country is making fun of us. Biden is the worst president in American history. As if we have our own personal atmosphere lol. All the leaders & ceos went to Egypt the other day in the private jets which one trip in their jet hurts the atmosphere for 1-2 yrs but I’m told to not drive my car lmfao! They have dumbed down the American ppl right along with other countries so when they lie I guess yea ppl believe it. They don’t know any better! Sad.

  14. What we need to do is build more race tracks and watch the cars go in a circle really fast and then bitch about gas prices. 🤔

  15. Truth about what happened in the 1970's:
    The pipeline operators were told by Washington to shut down the oil flow. The crisis was entirely man-made, caused by traitors in this country, AND IT HAPPENED OUT OF THE VIEW OF THE PUBLIC.

    Truth about what's happening today:
    OPEC isn't causing the crisis. Biden is. He even said he would cause what we are seeing today in his last debate against Trump, where Biden got his ass handed back to him on a paper plate. What's really going on with OPEC? They are waiting for the right time to dump the petro-dollar. There will be plenty of oil available out of OPEC, just like in the 1970's, only the price will be exponentially higher because the artificial subsidy of the petro-dollar will be gone. Every one of the OPEC countries is part of Belt and Road. Every one of them will also give verbal commitment to BRICS before signing the letter of intent. Saudi Arabia could be signing the letter of intent as soon as this month.

    The BRICS reserve currency is going to be a gold and commodity backed currency. That means if you don't have gold, you are out of the game before the game even gets started. OPEC knows what's coming, and they are not stupid enough to take unbacked dollars for their oil at today's prices.

    The late, great Rob Kirby on US oil production:
    8m barrels light sweet production per day.
    4m barrels frack oil (exported) per day.
    6m barrels Western Canadian Select (imported at 75% discount to WTI) per day.
    Where do you make up the 6m barrel per day shortfall?

  16. Kerosene in Maine is 7.60 a gallon. People with outdoor fuel tanks use this for heat. Heating oil is 5.69 and most people use that here. Prices are climbing daily and will vause many to freeze, especially the poor and elderly !! Americans need to stand up and take matters into our own hands for the sake of saving America from the TYRANNICAL REGIME in power !!

  17. Opec is reacting to the terroristic activities of the US. I don't blame them. Also, Biden sold most of our reserves. You can thank the psycho democratic/republican admin for our torture.

  18. The great reset their will be no middle class we have oil why isn't USA drilling for oil we need a great catastrophe to need a great change

  19. All of this didn't have to happen. We could be supplying enough oil for ourselves and our allies. at the same time more jobs . I'm sorry but Biden's administration is doing nothing but creating enemies and burying us economically. I just shake my head

  20. Everybody just needs to stop paying their bills and borrow should our government doesn't go by a budget why should we

  21. My ministration shutting down all wrong and United States invade invested in the stock market for electric cars hospital

  22. Your intro brother, you hit the nail on the head, they promote racism, turning us against each other because united, they know we would win.

  23. Maybe if Biden didn't shit and insult the Saudis, they would have been incredible partners. But sadly, some democrats would rather watch the world burn rather than make peace with the Saudis. So much for being a pariah.

    Insults after insults after insults and targeted propaganda aimed to smear a country will not make that country play nicely. Biden is the only one to blame for shitting all over the Saudis.

  24. It's NOT "Almost Like They're Doing This On Purpose".
    It's ABSOLUTELY, They're Doing This On Purpose.
    I knew on Day 1 of the Illegitimate Biden Regime, when he started all those EO's, shutting down the Keystone Pipeline, shutting down our oil production (we "WERE" Energy Independant")
    This plan is actually a "Global" thing.
    Trying to crush the American Economy, bring the American People to our knees and usher in their Democratic Socialism.

  25. Many people could die as a result of Biden’s dumb decision to cut off oil production in the many of the green deal. They know this, they do not care.

  26. A lot of stupid slave voter keep voting the crooks and corrupt radical dems keeping down te US.

  27. What happened to the people that come up with the invention a car ran on water we'll see what was the other guy his car ran on some kind of gas but both of them got killed for their inventions so wonder where them inventions went so we wouldn't have to use oil they don't want us to know that cuz they're making all that money off that oil somebody needs to come up with something where we ain't got to use oil use water or hydrogen or something seen the guy making hydrogen out of water you could run a car I think but they kill them off or something where you can't find them and use their invention

  28. Oh yeah they got stock holdings in electric vehicles that's why they're doing this they want us to all my electric cars with this country with these poor people can't afford no electric vehicles they out of their minds can't even afford groceries and gas for your cars so how you going to afford an electric car come on man

  29. Oil is in everything plastic bottles anything you use everyday oil is in so if they're going to take that out we are going to be you know what screwed

  30. Stop being so gullible. Fact check as many sources as you want. They all prove that DJT was lying and exaggerating as usual. 90%+ of what he said is Bullshit. Don't be led by the nose, be your own person and see him for what he is or in most cases isn't.

  31. Well well shalom 🧐🧐🧐🧐 it wouldn't be too difficult for him to make it right you wouldn't have to drill for any more .🧐🧐 And on top of that we would not need the type of oil strategic reserve that we now have 🧐🧐🧐🧐 scrap it trash it who cares 👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿🧐🧐🧐🧐 did everybody forget like yesterday 🧐 something we already have is the answer take a guess 🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗 you got to get the A-Team together 🧐🧐 well we tried that and they couldn't get it together for several months that's your clue 🧐🧐🦗🦗🦗🦗 the new found oil that's down in the Gulf the oil spill that we were experiencing in everybody was pissed about 🧐🧐🧐 there's your answer the problem is you got to refine it what do you do send it to Texas to be refined,🧐🧐 you would have to set up refinery equipment closer to Louisiana or someplace down there they said it is a ton of oil that could easily offset it for us and I'm sure there is others we could sell to there's a lot of oil down there this is our answer 🧐🧐🧐🧐 you would have to build it in a way where it wouldn't consistently pollute the Gulf Coast this has been the challenge this is why I mentioned the A-Team people that know what 🧐🧐🧐

  32. Current administration's 💩💩💩💩💩💩 this equally falls on the hands of both parties…. Count how many years that oil spill has taken place how long have we been mining oil since this country was established there's your answer… Other priorities took center stage look at all the money that went to Ukraine so I don't want to hear anyone crying about the money 🧐🧐🧐 the ultimate Way to get this fixed the way oil is priced throughout the world would probably have to change harsh realities but it looks like it's coming down to it now doesn't it 🧐🧐🧐🧐

  33. We're not being told hostage I don't buy that 🧐🧐🧐 it's the way the market for oil is set up lot of folks was involved who called the shots on this…..

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