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How many languages do you speak? 100 Russians.

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  1. What’s the point? Russians are disliked around the entire world – blacklisted from entering other countries…

  2. It’s not much different in the USA—the vast majority of Americans of European and African descent speak only English fluently. Many Hispanic-American can speak Spanish or at least “Spanglish.” Many Asian-Americans speak their heritage language at least a little. True bilingualism (fluency in more than one language) is relatively rare. Most Americans understand some Spanish—even if they don’t know it’s Spanish—because certain Spanish phrases, words, and responses have been assimilated into American English, in much the same way that New Zealand English contains Maori words.

    I’m an outlier—I’m fluent in English, conversational in Spanish but not fluent, and I could make my needs known in both Moscow and Kyiv. Of those two, my Ukrainian is better. And I can curse in Irish Gaelic😂

    I use Duolingo to study. I learned Spanish in school, so Duolingo is just to strengthen that skill, Ukrainian is a heritage language for me that I knew bits and pieces of, so I’m learning the language on Duolingo, Russian seemed interesting, and I’m learning some Irish (another heritage language for me).

  3. I speak 4 😎 English German Russian and little bit of Ukrainian, Polish (don't count it cuz I only read and understand, don't really speak it). Also tried learning Swedish, but pronunciation is so sophisticated so I gave up and forgot most words (I remember only that och means and, pojke means boy, tider means time and aldrig means never).

  4. I’m Russian (yakutian) speaking russian 🇷🇺 , English english🇬🇧, yakut 💎 and korean 🇰🇷

  5. this video summarizes knowledge of citizens of Russian-speaking part of Russia. If you ask the same question in Caucasus most of people know perfect Russian and at least one of Caucasian languages which is their native language. My average Russian family is fluent in Russian, Kabardian and Karachay-Balkar languages

  6. Мама думала, что арабы завоюют весь мир…. Ахвхв

  7. Удивляет то , что там миллион людей у которых уровень английского – натянутый elementery , а все говорят будто знают его как и русский

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