Edible Gardening

Why growing raspberries 山莓 from seeds? Medicinal? Leaves for tea & soup?

Why growing raspberries 山 莓 from seeds for 10 years? Medicinal? Leaves for tea and soup? Copyright 11.11.2022. No insecticides. No pesticides. Raspberries are edible without worms. A lot coffee grounds and lemon peels because raspberries plants prefer acidic soil pH of 5.6 to 6.2. High in fiber, manganese, minerals, vitamin C and antioxidants for anti-inflammatory anti-aging effects. Raspberries may also protect against diabetes, cancer, obesity, arthritis, sharpen the brain and improve mood, coordination and memory.


  1. Life is the art of discovering, creating and sharing! Hope you enjoy doing experiments with me.

    Do you like raspberries? Will you grow raspberry plants from seeds? Hope you enjoy this video.

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