Container Gardening

Grow Baby Salad Greens In The Heat Of Summer! Container Gardening

Lettuce and spinach bolt in the heat of summer. In this video I am planting and harvesting an easy to grow alternative that can tolerate the heat of summer. Swiss chard is especially good when harvested as a baby green. I like to grow it in containers. Thanks for watching, sub if you enjoyed the video.
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  1. Thanks for the vid…I'll definitely give swiss chard a try. I've been looking for a lettuce to grow during the summer. Our mesclun is starting to bolt.

  2. I looked at swiss chard the other day and the grow timing on the packet & was shocked to see it suggested to start seeds now. Your video is basically saying the same. Hrmmm

  3. It’s pretty hot in Los Angeles, but Little Gem and Paris Island Cos are having no issues with the heat🌱

  4. I have these mysterious watermelon seeds that are viable that I found in my seedless watermelon and there are only 5 so I’m thinking of tiring them next year

  5. plastic is not good for health。better not to use it to grow vegetable and make compose。better to use food safe glass to make compose and use clay pot to grow vegetable

  6. We all need to learn how to grow greens in the heat, no one is immune to summer heat anymore

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