Gardening Supplies

Food Shortages GARDENING Why NOW πŸ…

Are you concerned about the high cost of food and possible food shortages? Have you ever considered eating insects? What if I told you that, without your own organic vegetable garden, you may not have a choice some day, and that YOU”VE ALREADY BEEN EATING INSECTS FOR YEARS? By growing your own healthy food in your own garden you can take responsibility for what you and your family eat.



  1. Folks often asked: Why do you make your own soil? Why don't you just buy some? My response: Am teaching myself by learning and doing how to reuse and upcycle fermented farm manures, layering food quality wood and corrugated cardboard packing wastes, cotton rags, seaweeds and kelps, native seeds and berries, perennial herbs and vegetables.

    In mulching half a dozen yards of oak, beech and maple leaves, rescued several species of bees, salamanders and butterfly chrysalids, and designed variations on raised bed and rock footed mounds, some similar to native habitats ideal to boost the bees and salamanders numbers, innoculated rotting logs and sawdusts. A lot of rural neighbours already grow most of their own fruit and vegetables.

    My start were field spruce former cleared fields with very thin topsoil. My early seedings were grain cover crops such as rye, and native field bushes, berries and understorey to maintain the wild ground birds for eagles and hawks. My move into veg is novice, however focused on various spinach, various wild lettuce, various basil, squash, beans etc. Self seeding veg appeal to me however I find the variations in trellis growing a lot of structure. Am going to encourage what does grow to vine on hardwood bush.

    Seaweed as fertilizer isn't cheap even online. The local beaches provide many tons per year. Am not seeing much prep by a lot of people who I imagine cannot fathom possibilities that "shortages of everything" may include many of the foods in tne grocery store. It's a way to see positivity and progress during this almost relentless persecution of everyday citizens by their own W e F and U N puppet governments. As for bought soil bags it cannot compare to free chernozams from beneath stumps and free undisturbed soils. It's hard work, shovel and pickaxe are good moderate workouts. Also use all hand tools for cutting and mulching, whet stone, scythe, shears, and Swiss hand saw. This way wildlife come and go, and are not disturbed by me.

    Some describe my method as almost meditative. Pray for Peace. Pray W E F gtfo out of my business. Have had some of the best Dutch herbalist and medicinal plants importers link up. Our governments seem determined not to allow anyone to prosper and grow to meet trade demand. None of them likely ever imagined any buyers would line up for my medicinal aromatic plants root stalk. Only the best.
    And morons like Trudeau want to shut down my ability to grow medicinal herbs which foreign buyers would like to pay me for.

    Trudeau appears to be forcing a mass revolt. I dont think W E F can carry on like this. If Swiss government sanctions China, will likely catch all kinds of Swiss Bank accounts tied to their Marxist technocrats.

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