Gardening Supplies

Mittleider Gardening: How To Setup A Simple Electric Fence

In any vegetable garden you must eliminate the competition for your food. An electric fence is the cheapest and easiest way I have found to do it. I get asked all the time how I stop animals from destroying my garden. Here is how my setup works and the components I used to build it.

The Mittleider Garden is really Growing Fast Now and I have healthy Strong plants. It won’t be too long before I start to see some production.

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  1. What happens if you have a tall tree, a squirrel jumps in, but tries to leave on the ground, that would just suck…for the squirrel, lol.

    Tom, we don't have to worry about the critters, but I would love to put that fence around our house for the HUMAN critters in our neighborhood 😉


  2. Just found your channel by surfing YouTube. The one that I saw had to do with propane tanks. I did something similar about 7 years ago. Only I was getting the larger tanks for RVS. I picked up tanks thar were marked as bad though they were less than 2 years old. They were not bad it was they were VIPER LOCKED. This can happen when the tank is displayed connected with the valve still open. I would take the tank to Cennex to be checked out. All they did to fix it was pick the tank up about 1 foot and pop it back end first on the ground, than fill it for me. Got 4 extra tanks that way. Cost of propane only.

  3. If it is a small area, can you just use one ground post? My yard is maybe 30 by 30 but I can't keep my dog from destroying my flowerbeds! Too small to use a proximity fence, have to use a contact type. He just jumps the small ornamental wire fence, so figuring putting the electric fence wire about 4 inches inside so if he puts his nose over in prep to jumping over, he will get zapped.

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