Japanese Garden

How to Use a Gravel Rake : Garden Tool Guides

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A gravel rake is a specially designed tool used to rake tougher materials than just leaves or grass. Find out how to use a gravel rake with help from an expert with over two decades of experience working in Garden Centers in this free video clip.

Expert: Merrideth Jiles
Filmmaker: Richard Benton

Series Description: You’ll need a lot more than just a rake and a shovel if you want to get the most out of your garden each year. Find out how to put all those various garden tools to good use with help from an expert with over two decades of experience working in Garden Centers in this free video series.


  1. wait thats what they were used for?? I would never have thought. Thank you so much sir thanks I shall now go and rake gravel

  2. I appreciate the effort for making this video, but I think we all know what gravel rakes are for and how to use them.
    We wouldn't want to use them on our food, don't we?

  3. thank you for telling to use a gravel rake to use it on gravel and not murdering my family and my neighbor hood and using the blood to summon cthulhu thank you i shat use a chainsaw now  

  4. Gravel is love.  Gravel is life.  Could you update the description to include a good place to purchase a rake like yours? 

  5. I thought gravel rakes were for skinning puppies, thank you good sir for clearing that up for me, now I can rake all the gravel I can.

  6. Thanks sir. I sincerely think this was informative and helpful. Finally I know I can use it on gravel. My dog was probably freaking out for me brushing it with the rake. 

  7. Hi, Thank  you for inform me how  to us a  gravel rake I always tried to use on pumpkins and I now know  its use on gravel ! B – Super DJ Shadow

  8. Thanks for clearing this up kind sir! I thought I'd use it to hide my dead grandparents bodies, have a wonderful day

  9. Thank you for teaching me that gravel rakes are not to be used in sandstorms. Lesson learned. Also, +1 for the neat hat.

  10. thank you fine sir for the clarification i never knew how to use one just used it as a long back scratcher thank you again my back will now turn back to a normal back and not like a bomb shell has hit it. 

  11. #Halloween Stream! WAS HERE Also, thank you for clarifying that gravel rakes are meant for gravel :O I mean I thought you use them to mix salad or catch rats…
    Well now I know why my salads allways endedup on floor instead on my plate and why I could never catch that sneaky rat that lived with me for about 10 years now…. Could you suggest me how to catch the rat please??

  12. Good Sir, I am grateful for this very informative video. I used to be confused between gravel rakes and my toothbrush. I can now avoid making my gums bleed every morning.

  13. I find this video to have helped me in my study of raking. Thank you for explaining the importance of why a gravel rake is to be used on gravel, as any other type of rake would harm the gravel. Which would be very undesirable. Thank you again, good sir.

  14. Hello. I will start off by saying THANK YOU for showing off those pants!
    Next thing: Thank you for showing me and 86.4 billion (Numbers may be inccacurate) people, that gravel rakes are not used to clean keyboards; but are in fact used for cleaning leaves for gravel. Now I have to get one of those! Nice pants, btw

  15. Everyone's comments are so sarcastic. All "duh!" I thought this was a "garden rake". I've been using it to lay chicken mulch. Ha.

  16. So now I know what I need to be using that rake on. I did not know it was a gravel rake. I love these videos by people because I learn what I did not know. Thank you

  17. everyone’s with the sarcasm but I really didn’t know how to remove debris from my gravel. honestly didn’t know. thanks

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