Japanese Garden

EP 5 So expensive to grow vegetables, how can we save money?

We visited the Home Depot to buy some materials for make potting mix… When does everything become so expensive? How can we save money from growing our own vegetables???
Well, buy seeds to grow your own seedlings. We will save a lot of money for seedlings for sure. Take a look at our website to see if you want to try any of them.


  1. Wow thanks for the heads up on how much they have jacked the prices up. Here in New JErsey gardening has just ended so maybe the prices are more reasonable out of season (I hope) I"m scared to wait until next spring to get my supplies… maybe I'll buy some now instead if the prices are lower now. That big bag of peat moss used to be only $12 here. I always grow everything from seed. The way things are going…. we may be lucky to get these supply items at all at any price next season.

  2. Totally agree.. It seems one brand of potted plants(Bonnie's) has taken over all the shelf-space in retail outlets so there's no competition. Buying seeds and a little planning is much more economical.

  3. cant wait to see how u make your own potting mix
    peat moss, perlite n compost? i like your seeds i ordered before n will order again they are good quality n grow into very healthy plants

  4. $20 for a tomato plant! Jeez, I just throw the seeds and the tomato will grow itself.

  5. You could make great compost at home. You have lots of garden waste, leaves, kitchen scraps, and you have a small tractor with a big scoop bucket. My small city lot is about 6000 square feet in size and I’m able to fill two compost bins; both are 5’x5’x5’ thats 125 cubic feet of compost per bin, so 250 cubic feet total. I collect lots of leaves in the autumn!!
    My vegetable garden is about 1000 square feet, so a 2” layer of compost on the garden plus lots of perfect organic compost for seedlings.
    I follow Charles Dowding’s No-Dig method. He has lots of youtube videos that are very educational.

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