Gardening Supplies

Evaluating Year 1 of NASCAR'S NEXT GEN CAR

On November 4th at Phoenix, NASCAR President Steve Phelps discussed year one of the Next Gen Car.

#NASCAR #racing #nextgen #StevePhelps

***thumbnail photo by Sean Gardner/Getty Images courtesy of NASCAR Media


  1. Absolutely not.

    The cars were proven unsafe in multiple ways. It resulted in multiple drivers being injured. We were lucky no driver had any issues due to the smoke issues with all the fires.

    In addition, the racing was all over the place, but mostly disapproved. Tracks that are constant must see were called boring, especially short tracks & road courses (Though I don't think so on the short track side of it). The tracks everyone hates (Except Texas) are now all of a sudden "good", especially the 1.5 miles tracks (Though I don't think so whatsoever).

    But sure NASCAR, let's only care about where the number goes… 😑

    It started off promising, but much like everything else NASCAR does, it ended up being a massive massive flop.

  2. Hillary’s boy said it was a success so you better agree with him.

  3. No it's not a good car drivers are getting hurt the car has no give, harvick has tried to tell NASCAR several drivers have tried to tell NASCAR.

  4. I say no because the drivers tried to tell NASCAR they had a safety problem and they didn't listen! Why does somebody have to die or get a career ending injury for NASCAR to do anything?? They're still taking credit for the safer barrier that indycar and the university of Nebraska created. They're always reactive not proactive

  5. It improved racing at the Intermediate tracks no doubt. However, the multiple safety concerns, Kurt Busch & Alex Bowman, and the fact that short tracks and road courses were killed, I'd say the Gen 7 car has work to do. I love the parity the car brought with 19 different winners, but again, it's got work to do. Hopefully the short track and road course packages get revamped as well as the rear of the car, and I'm glad NASCAR will be working on that over the off season.

  6. I think NASCAR had the right idea with trying a new style car. But the ball was dropped in many areas. Not enough actual testing, safety issues, and wheels, tires, and fires to name a couple. Not sure if the racing was actually better though. Just seems like the drivers were all balls to the walls once they realized how hard a wreck it took to put one behind the wall and on the truck. From a financial/fairness POV, I guess it makes sense, but most of the races reminded me of watching the old IROC Series of years ago. Thanks Kenny!

  7. The Next Gen Car was a success but here's several flaws that Nascar needs to address before the 2023 season. 1. Lessen the impact for the driver after Kurt Busch and Alex Bowman suffered concussions 2. Fix the short track package. 3. Let's the teams work on the car instead of not telling them to work on the car.

  8. Depends on the goal. It's too broad of a question to really answer.
    It did some things really well and other things it didn't. Every car seems to have some issue. Personally, I think the solutions racing wise are pretty simple.
    1) Remove the aero underbody, which will reduce downforce.
    2) Lay the rear spoiler down to 55 degrees.
    3) Increase HP to 700.

    All of these together will cause more off throttle time in the corners. This means slower corner speeds, which will reduce dirty air and translate to trailing cars being able to actually compete with the leading car instead of competing with the dirty air left by it. Now that the cars aren't sealed to the track, if mechanical grip matters more and aero less, the racing would be better at the front of the field, not just mid pack. There were several races where there was only a few passes made for the lead under green. I don't remember there being a single pass at MIS under green and that will only get worse is changes aren't made reduce the dirty air and making handling more of a priority.
    The fact that drivers at the front can basically just mirror drive to stay in front is a problem.

  9. Different winner every week & no longer seeing HMS winning every damn thing, so to me, yes, the car is awesome! However, safety is paramount, and there’s some obvious red flags, especially with fords catching on fire. Overall, huge step in the right direction. Now, get more short tracks on the schedule & way more night races.

  10. Number of winners does not make for competitive racing . The time intervals between positions tells me the car SUCKS. We want side by side racing not a number of winners

  11. I think it's possible he was being truthful about the safety focus, they just focused on safer in a specific set of circumstances and with safer defined by certain behaviors (intrusions and the car not falling apart) u fortunately they didn't look at how these stiffer frames and the harder foam was transferring more energy to the drivers in less extreme crashes. Shows how reactive the nascar safety program is, this thing looked bad and scared us at corporate so we have to do something so it doesn't happen again

  12. Who's he trying to bull shit? The car is not safe, it ended Kurt's career, it put bowman out. The cars need an on board fire system in the ford's. Go blow smoke up someone else's ass.

  13. Oh by the way for the last 2 to 3 years the one cartoons were also winning with the other cars so I still say no these cars are not made of s*** y'all still haven't fixed the cars they're still hurting drivers they still catching on fire so no these cars ain't s*** that y'all put on the track this year for the several reason is y'all have time to fix these cars all year long y'all decide to say money is a more issue than it is for the driver safety

  14. If NASCAR wanted to create a spec class, then looks like the job is done. Still catching on fire – Can't get a jack under a car with a flat – 2 flats car is stuck almost anywhere. Steering…. all needs be said. Lastly, most importantly, the chassis isn't expelling impact energy and is bringing CTE back into the picture, put at least one guy in the "I'm on a fixed income" train with Kurt –
    On the other hand, DQ' a racer for a piece of tape? They lost me at Pocono – didn't watch another race completely, only catch a few laps here and there.

    I think the dirt in Bristol is dumb. Hated it from the start, don't feel any different but then I'm not young, I remember when fans sat on the hill in the grass. Back then you didn't want a seat in the stands you wanted to be over on the hill where "Woodstock" was relived especially if it rained.

    So personally – I think they sucked donkey. An experiment that effected peoples lives and incomes and legacy's ~ for that they get a "Fk' no" ~ Stats, it's always the bean counters jaw jackin numbers… NASCAR isn't about numbers, it's the experience. They always talk about the "Fan Experience" but lose sight of what creates the experience.
    That's the view from one assholes seat.

  15. Surreal season
    Cars now crash like videogame cars from the 2000s and walls can be driven like games from the 2000s

  16. I’m not a fan of this car. Then again, I miss racing below the yellow line, and racing back to the caution, pre restrictor plate racing…

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