
@houseplantjournal: When you appreciate how plants grow, you can accept leaf turnover. This philoden…

When you appreciate how plants grow, you can accept leaf turnover. This philodendron xanadu only put out a new leaf this past week after having lost a handful of its older leaves in the 2 months that I’ve owned it. How do I know this is okay? Look at the big picture of plant life:
1) is the light adequate?
2) are you managing soil moisture?
3) are you managing soil structure?
4) what’s the status of the soil nutrients?
#philodendron #philodendronxanadu #houseplants #plantlove #foliage #indoorplants #plantlife #urbanjunglebloggers #houseplantclub #plantstyling #houseplantjournal #växtgäris #plantparenthood #greenthumb

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