Japanese Garden

A Day | Portland Japanese Garden

From sunrise to sunset, this is a day at the Portland Japanese Garden.
A Film by Quincy Woo.
Produced by Portland Japanese Garden.
Thank you to the Portland Japanese Garden Board of Trustees, staff, and volunteers.
Ukiyo-e Kabuki Woodblock Prints courtesy of the Lavenberg Collection of Japanese Prints.


  1. Wow! Fantastic first look at the Portland Japanese Garden! I'll have to take a look at this place the next time I'm visiting Oregon!

  2. The best intro to a museum or garden that I have ever seen. Very impressive. After seeing the video I want to visit the garden.

  3. Very nice video!  It's neat to see what you all do before we arrive to take in all the beautiful sights and sounds.

  4. Perfect video of the peaceful and tranquil feeling the Japanese Garden offers. Glad I am able to enjoy this space right in my back yard.

  5. Coming here in a two days prior to a business trip during the week. Can't wait. Looks like an awesome place to visit.

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