Gardening Trends

It's Not a Cost of Living Crisis, It's a Cost of Dysgenics Crisis

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  1. Please keep speaking out about dysgenics…. I believe it will be the big upcoming issue of our era, and dysgenic people won't be able to oppose tyranny/maintain liberty

  2. I have some experience of welfare-class British people from media and a bit from real life too. There is just something viscerally more offensive about a welfare-class Brit, in my experience, than the same sort from the USA or Australia.
    The Brit seems more helpless and more self-righteous about how other people should be taking care of them.

  3. My ancestors were hard workers, for sure, but they never would have made anything out of their lives if it hadn't been for the "tab" system. A family could weather a lot by racking up their tabs at the store until better times and in turn they offered this to their own customers. The lack of social cohesion eliminated this system and puts people constantly against the wall, which is psychologically very destructive.

  4. I must say that as a young person first generation child to immigrant parents I was always extremely embarrassed by my families large garden. We where the only house on the street that was even growing tomatoes in the front yard! I think I realize why. If you have time to have a garden it either means that somebody is staying at home like a stay at home wife for a mom which marks you as old fashioned and anti-feminist, or your grandparents live in your home; and of course multi-generational households mark you as an un-cool loser because the hip thing to do is put your parents into old person homes the moment they cannot be independent or cannot afford to live on their own. The last and I think most important reason is this damned "hustle culture" in America. The idea that if you and your spouse aren't working a combined 100+ hour work week you are just lazy and not really trying to get ahead!

    Pre-made dinners and take out and fast food coffee culture are a sign of pride because you are signaling how you are working so hard that you don't even have time to cook for yourself. Trust me as a person who has been around lots of aspiring "young professionals", the idea of cooking anything more than the simplest 2 minute scrambled egg and toast on the weekend is unfathomable, much less having a garden that you could seriously supplement your diet from! The "dream" of all these young people is to work 50 hours a week through their 20's, surviving on yesterday's take out reheated and cup noodles (maybe), until they get promoted to partner or division manager or whatever and then they can work 100 hours a week and have the insane stress of being responsible for dozens of people 😀 👍

    These are the sort of high(er) IQ hard working industrious people the women of which freeze their eggs at 45 and die working overtime in their cubicle childless and alone because even pursuing romance is a distraction from her high status high paying career. The men generally die of heart attacks by as young as 35 because the Goldman Sachs "work hard, party hard" model of insane stress and basically constant drug and alcohol abuse to try to cope with said stress destroys their health. Seriously these people smoke like chimneys and party HARD every weekend descending on bars and clubs like locusts every friday night.

    In my opinion decades of pro-corporate propaganda is the reason people don't have gardens anymore.

  5. The coming wave of austerity is going straight for the chuff of those who made out like bandits in the age of ZIRP. Just watch how quickly they will adopt Dutty's attitude when the titty bottle of cheap credit is denied them.

  6. damn i should have died… instead im here riddled with anxiety and a weak immune system… at least i can save money

  7. Imagine you are beaten by English nationalist in Scotland if you utter scottish/galeic words or put/pin/hold scottish flag. That is what happened with Hungarians living in west ukraine (who were cut from their mother country in 1920 by Treaty of Trianon). I live 50 miles form Ukraine border and we know. there is even a law, you can check, which forbids in school to use your own language in school. If you use/pin/waive Hungarian flag there you are beaten until you bleed. Same applies for Russians there. But you in the west media bubble do not hear these. The Minsk agreement was to assure these rights but Ukraine ignored it with the support of the west.
    Zelensky has a multi million euro palace in Tuscana, Italy, he has had it even before he became president. Where do you think that money came from? His wealth is estimated 1,5 billion USD. Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world and is far from being a democracy
    Russia cannot be beaten only talks give peace but USA does not want it. Even if Ukraine wins back all territories, what is guarantee Russia will not go back some months later? Nothing.
    Ukraine is in ruins, the economy is bankrupted, the people fled, those who stayed are in life lasting war shock. The war does not seem to end soon. There is no winner in this.
    The solution is to respect the concern of Russia and for Ukraine to respect minority rights.
    So pin the Ukrainian flag onto your shirt and enjoy the western style of living while it lasts.

  8. We are becoming disable..
    We will soon have online tutorials (sponsored by EOOI-European Institute for Overcoming Obstacles) on how to walk and how to breathe.
    The advanced level- held by professional burocracts and physiologists approved by the Europa commitee for disabilities-would be for those (audacious) wanting to combine both skills ,i.d. walking and breathing at the same time

  9. I learnt to cook from my mother, my Nan and my great grandmother, most of my friends can’t cook, I’ve taught a lot of my friends really couldn’t believe how little they knew.

  10. What Ed said would have been true in a normal recession. But what we are having now is different. Energy costs can now completely bankrupt middle class families. Lots of businesses and industries had to shut down and or are leaving Europe (basically anything that uses more energy than an office building). This is the massive deindustrialisation of europe.

  11. This is basically why I've converted to legalising and bordelrine incentivising abortion so that the dysgenic people take care of themselves.

  12. This is a cost of lockdown crisis. Shutting down the economy on and off for the last two years and replacing people's incomes by printing up money vastly increased the money supply. As a result inflation is rising and that is the cost of living crisis. People should be aware of that. Especially those who were so keen on the pandemic measures. Many wanted even harder lockdowns.

  13. Most excellent. I’ve always gardened. I grow beans, potatoes in tubs, peppers etc, and pickle for the winter. I’m gearing up to keep some chickens.

    I went to a very poor school in Manchester. We had no toilet paper. And also some really poor children who, as you say, had no underpants. Each morning we had to divvy up our snacks which were then divided up so that the very poor ones had at least something to eat.

  14. Tribes in Africa have more of a grasp on reality/realism than rich enclaves in the U.S who hold Ivy League degrees. It's a matter of perspective on IQ imo. I lived in Appalachia for a time and had less trouble than living in cities with other higher IQ pops. If anything the cities produce the worst type of populations throughout the IQ spectrum. Ted K was right that modern civilization and technology has created an extreme dysgenics problem regardless of money and IQ. The difference between my dad and me is great and the distance between my grandpa and me is extreme in every way.

  15. Collapsing the economy of the Western world may be a good thing. How many migrants are going to come to a place they have to use wood for warmth? A lot would leave too. And it might cause many Europeans to emigrate and set up families in other nations and spread our genes there.

    Poverty is helping other races, is it not? Poverty drives up their birthrates and makes them invade wealthier nations.

    Clearly decadence is bad for us. A bunch of dumb uneducated white people having lot of babies all over the world sounds like exactly what we want.

    Lastly, aren't the smart white people more liberal? So less of them sounds good. We need dumb religious white people. Lots of them.

  16. Easy and cheap thing to cook from scratch: Morrisons sell ox heart (costs about £1 for enough to feed 2 people) and some root vegetables (again you can get enough for a couple people for £1). Then just some beef stock. Wang it all in a pot, braise the meat, Wang in the veg then the stock and water and you have yourself a good ol stew. Yummeroonies, cheaperoonies

  17. The weak will faulter, and the stron will prosper, well they will once welfare is out of the way.

  18. Think it's time to ditch the sophomoric introductions. No serious person unaware of your channel would get through it.

  19. This is also the degeneracy of our very society. Intelligent people would perfectly be having kids if popular culture still valued kids, but having kids is actually associated with being low class and instead of blessings, they are considered an obstacle to rich social status.

  20. I'd love to be able to walk to work, but it's a 12 hour walk according to Google Maps.

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