Gardening Supplies

On the Beach 1959 | Gregory Peck, Ava Gardner | Directed by Stanley Kramer | Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi

Although there’d been “doomsday dramas” before it, Stanley Kramer’s On the Beach was considered the first “important” entry in this genre when originally released in 1959. Based on the novel by Nevil Shute, the film is set in the future (1964) when virtually all life on earth has been exterminated by the radioactive residue of a nuclear holocaust. Only Australia has been spared, but it’s only a matter of time before everyone Down Under also succumbs to radiation poisoning. With only a short time left on earth, the Australian population reacts in different ways: some go on a nonstop binge of revelry, while others eagerly consume the suicide pills being issued by the government. When the possibility arises that rains have washed the atmosphere clean in the Northern hemisphere, a submarine commander (Gregory Peck) and his men head to San Diego, where faint radio signals have been emanating. The movie’s all-star cast includes: Peck as the stalwart sub captain, Ava Gardner as his emotionally disturbed lover, Fred Astaire as a guilt-wracked nuclear scientist, and Anthony Perkins and Donna Anderson as the “just starting out in life” married couple.


  1. 1:51:11 that is one of the best kiss scenes i think i ever seen. im not even like, in to that sort of thing in movies but god damn that was gorgeous…

  2. Amazing film not to be missed. Films like this are all but lost. They don't run them on TV anymore. If your fortunate enough it may be available on DVD. The last time I saw this on TV was late 70s or early 80s. If it wasn't for YouTube and people putting them on YouTube like Classic Studios, entire generation's would have missed it.

  3. The saddest part is that it is eventually going to happen. Because humans have never created a weapon that they didn't eventually use. And because this was per-ordained. Since the first time a man fashioned a club with which to beat his neighbor and take his things, this was and is the way of things. The way of humans. It has always been about fear and greed and power and avarice. Humans are all that. We are special animals, no doubt. I give the human race virtually zero chance of surviving long-term. But we can hope.

  4. My sister in law named her daughter Moira because of this movie …I doubt that her daughter has any idea why.

  5. The poignant early scene with Tony Perkins and his wife is absolutely heartbreaking. This is probably from a survival standpoint the most important film of our times. Are we going to throw our humanity away or be rid of these nuclear monstrosities?

  6. I enjoy the professional actors. Think how you might react in the same circumstances. On the verge of overload. Well done with layers. Watch it again.

  7. I read the book in 1971 when I was a senior in high school. Scared me so much I couldn’t finish the last few pages and had to fake or interpret the ending to the English Lit. Teacher.

  8. I've never realized how magnificent of an Actor Gregory Peck was…that "I can't accept it" scene sealed it for me.

  9. With over 2,000 nuclear devices detonated since 1945 I wouldn't worry too much about Putin putting a damper on human life. The Earth is a very big place.

  10. The heavens declare the glory of the Bomb, and the firmament showeth Its handiwork. Glory be to the Bomb, and to the Holy Fallout. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be. World without end. May the Blessings of the Bomb Almighty, and the Fellowship of the Holy Fallout, descend upon us all. This day and forever more. Amen.

  11. After all these years it is still as powerful as when first release. Still movies me greatly.

  12. Basically,the most disturbing movie ever made along with this movie's remake.The vile Reds/ Bolsheviks should have been taken out in the Russian Civil War in 1921.. a thorn in our side to this very day..

  13. 24:43 Scientists ignored about existential threats to civilization. Trusting scientists over dogma is what sparked the Renaissance and led to The Age of Reason. We ignore them at our own peril.

  14. 2:12:19 One of my all-time favorite movies, but there's nobody on top of that submarine for Moira to look at!

  15. Of all the nuclear war themed movies this one is the most boring. I’ve never been able to watch it in one sitting. Strangelove and Fail Safe are far superior.

  16. Nuclear war and romance . . . whatta combo !!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to start waltzing with my Matilda. hahahaahaahahaha

  17. In this scenario, i'd imagine Radio Australia would've been broadcasting the Waltzing Matilda interval signal right until the very end.

  18. The Close Caption of this video is ATROCIOUS! I tried watching with my deaf grandfather and the CC is rampant with ridiculous mistakes. A great film but the YouTube CC is not for the deaf.

  19. Here we are, 2022 and the U.S. and NATO are ready for the suicide nuclear mission to kill everyone, just to get rid of Russia and Putin. Damn babyboomers , war hungry democrats , and their brainwashed politics! Special place in hell for those who are promoting a nuclear war and financing the triggers to make it happen, those openly demanding —- Zelensky— a nuclear war with Russia! Those are not people! “The world elite, brainwashed by “democracy” governments — nato, jeopardizing lives of everyone on the planet.

  20. We are all doomed by the hands of Our insane leaders. "An evil enemy will burn it's own Country to the ground, to rule over the ashes"- Sun Tzu

  21. The safest I ever felt on planet earth was the first time I walked into the Combat Operations Center within Cheyanne Mountain back in 1976.

  22. Has anyone noticed how the Japanese totally rebuilt the cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Yet No body has died from the supposed radiation danger that was to have a 1000 year half life. Both nuclear bombed Japanese cities today are thriving. In 2022, we survived another fraud. The actors in this movie were in more danger from their cigarettes, delivered to us by the same psyopathic creatures that attempt to control our beautiful world. See Rev 3:9 and you will realize who perpetuates misery in our world

  23. I saw this movie in my native Denmark when I was a teen ager, made a big impression on my. Also read the book, I think in the book they way it started mentioned Russia and the Middle East Israel, perhaps Egypt, not sure, but doesn't seem to far fetched.
    On a ligther note Gregory Peck and Anthony Perkins is two gorgeous men. I had a huge cross on Perkins as a teen ager, as an older lady watching this I can see why. Tall, dark a little sensitive, a little shy and very handsome. Gregory Peck in this role and "To kill a mockingbird" is so calm and reassuring, someone whose presence will make any bad situation better, and of course it helps he is very handsome as well.

  24. I think I remember what according to the book started the war, it was Russia and China, and then one side with Israel the other with a Egypt, something like that. I definitely seem to remember the main players was Russia and China. So many truth in this movie, especially Fred Astaire, exspousing how silly it is we can achieve peace, by having weapons that are suicidal.
    Listen to Tom Lehrer's "Who's got the bomb", it is humoristic, but like most humor have a lot of truth in it.

  25. I was just 8 yrs old when this came out and it had a profound and lasting effect on my outlook at the time. Three years later was the Cuban missile crisis and we all thought it was the end. Those were grim years, but somehow we came through it.

  26. A stumblebum president and a newly elected brain dead senator…the american voters…god help us

  27. The Greatest anti-war movie ever made….with the strength of Gregory Peck and the unmatched mature beauty of Ava Gardner.

  28. I don't know what submarine they used to make this film, but it is not a SSBN and not the Nathan Hale. I was on the Hale for 6 years and know the boat very well. This boat does not have the "turtle back" that the Hale and Adams had before they were cut up.

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