
MIgardener: This Drives Me CRAZY!

I never know what to say when someone tells me their garden isn’t worth their time. To be honest, I don’t think a garden will ever be “worth” your time, because dollar for dollar a garden does take a lot of work, but it can be worth it in so many other ways than just money.


  1. Good rant. You just saved the fee for a therapist. I love playing in the dirt, growing things. I usually harvest more than I thought I planted, but that’s ok because I give it to my family and friends. And I plant flowers for the birds and bees. I get exercise and free vitamin D. Win win all round. Thanks for all your help Luke.

  2. So true! Thanks, Luke. I'm in SE MI and didn't bring my lemon tree in yet, and it's got a new flower on it today. It's been so warm still.

  3. A garden is a life saver because I know what I am eatting and where it comes from I love it. Yeah it gets hard but the reward is worth so much more to me it is self sustainability for me and my family.
    Thank you for this video..keep it up😁

  4. 100% agree!! Not everything is about money!! Just posted about how my garden was disappointing this year, but I still would've done its and and will continue to garden bc it's therapeutic. Plus I'm learning more and more, but even still, it's just great to get outside and get dirt in your hands. Spot on, Luke!!

  5. Luke, you totally hit the nail on the head! I started a garden this summer after many years of not doing one primarily because of the mental health value and a little extra produce around my house. My husband, wanted to know the opportunity cost value. He Changed quickly when he realized all the wonderful food I could make from what I grew . He especially loves the fresh organic tomatoes the cabbage the herbs the peppers And the broccolini. Here’s the gardening for the love of it!

  6. My motto:

    Life is short live it to its fullest and always try to remember gardening is an exercise for the mind, body and soul. Harvesting is a bonus you cannot simply measure in weight 🥰🐝 safe

  7. Honestly, in the end gardening saves a lot of money. I decided to start gardening and using it as a form of therapy and let me tell you, it worked and I never had to spend a single dollar to see a therapist. I also grew so much potatoes, salad greens, herbs, carrots. I didn't spend a single dollar on carrots and beets this year and my family ate a lot. I only bought potatoes and salad from the store maybe 3 times the entire year and this is my first year gardening so I consider that a success.
    You are absolutely right, Luke, gardening should not be treated as an opportunity cost.

  8. Three raised beds made out of reclaimed cedar = $0
    Seed for tomato, bell pepper plants = $7
    Money saved on annual gym membership = – $120
    Value of my wife telling me how WONDERFUL my homemade tomato soup is, once a week, all year long = PRICELESS.

  9. All that you said is exactly correct and my reasoning why I grow my own food. I just love to grow stuff period. But when you get food out of it, the feeling is so rewarding. Plus the mental health part is huge. I find myself so busy and enjoying my garden that I don’t even know what’s going on with this dramatic world🤣 Especially with all the materialistic people around me🤦🏽‍♂️😬 It keeps me away from all that uselessness. Plus the taste. The taste of a veggie or fruit grown in your yard is so much better. Not even close.

  10. I agree with you. Gardening is so much more than money. The way I see it I save money. Gardening is my Gym, therapist, school, Zen my space if I need to think. And just growing something, one thing, if I only get one, of whatever I'm trying to grow? IS A VICTORY!
    I'd like to say you're my go to seed bank I use I appreciate the free shipping you guys are the best thank u

  11. Thanks Luke! I hear you and I agree with you. I have a very small garden which produces a lot for it's size but not enough to support myself for a year and that's okay. I garden for more than self-sustenance. I love to hang out in the garden, I love it because it's beautiful and attracts wildlife, I love it because I get some exercise, fresh air and sunshine. It gives me great satisfaction and a feeling of well-being to just sit at my desk and watch over it through all the changing seasons. To me it's priceless and worth more than anything I've ever spent on it. Thank you for addressing this unfortunate myopic view of what it means to have a garden.

  12. I'm disabled and have many challenges when gardening. However, I'll never stop because A) it's physical therapy. B) it's psychological therapy~I'd rather talk to my tomatoes than a shrink, anyday! C) I get my vitamin D fix, though I have to be careful of too much sun exposure ~~big floppy hats FTW! D) I'm a photographer, so I get to treat my eyes daily. E) I use grow bags because of my physical limitations, but I can DREAM of moving forward with tall raised beds in a future permanent home~preferably with an acre or two. All these things make it extremely worthwhile for me to continue gardening. My garden shut down mid~October this year. Next year, we're hoping to be in southern New Mexico, where I can garden year 'round! I may have to dodge big spiders and rattlesnakes, but I can deal. With luck, my organic gardens will help rectify a few of the medical issues that I'm currently fighting. That saves far more than $.😉😁

  13. I don’t attempt to grow what can be purchased at my local farm stand. I grow beautiful plants/flowers for the pollinators, saving seed for winter bird feeders and to improve my home’s value. I grow vegetables to feed my family the freshest possible food organically with varieties I’ve never seen sold locally. I grown herbs to dehydrate and use in all my recipes for the freshest taste. My husband joked ‘let’s just plant flowers so there’s less work’ so I bought 400 daffodil bulbs for him to plant. Lesson learned! 😂

  14. Well said Luke! We plant seeds for 4 or 5 families. Why? Coz I have a grow room dedicated for this alone. I'm retired. I have the time the others work or don't have the room. Plus I purchase my seeds from Migardener and save seeds too. For me it's a Win win!!!! I processed over two hundred quarts of food.
    I do the same with my chickens. Free eggs to friends and family.

  15. The food you're growing is much healthier also. It hasn't been sprayed with crappy chemicals and sat on a truck or grocery store shelf for weeks.

  16. Every year, I learn in my garden. Every season! They say "learning is earning"…. I'm 62 and have never been without a garden since I was 21. Plus…..I know I can grow food for myself. It's like insurance in case of lean times. Plus it tastes SO MUCH BETTER!!!

  17. The value of my garden is the joy and peace that it brings even if it doesn’t produce one single thing. This year was hard. But I worked hard. I learned so much. I got outside. I breathed fresh air. And I am better for it.

  18. I get so much out of gardening, joy and frustration but overcoming the frustrating things that occur is so rewarding. And like you said, the food is so much better (and healthier) than anything I buy from the store. Thanks for your videos!

  19. I prefer not to consider my garden a hobby. It truly is SO much more to me. I have learned a vital life skill. My mental and physical health is better! Reversing diabetes is priceless! Thank you for being so generous with your time and skills Luke. It has made a world of difference to me and my family! Forever thankful!

  20. Very good! How do you calculate peace of mind? Joy? Sunshine therapy? Soil Therapy? How about creating an increase in the value of my neighborhood and community? The more gardeners there are, the more people who are busy, productive, and not causing problems. Also the Nanner-nanner-nanner value when you are eating fresh lettuce when everyone else has to throw theirs out due to an e-coli recall. It is SO fun!

  21. I garden because I ENJOY it. We want to know where our food came from too. I like getting outside and I feel like I accomplished something.
    Totally agree with you!!!

  22. My garden is my sanctuary & my sanity! There is nothing more therapeutic than working in a garden. Also, by having a garden I know that I'm putting fresh, organic food in my body…what could be better than that!

  23. Totally on your page, Luke.
    My TIME is FREE; freely given, and grateful for the ability to bring in the flavorful, wholesome bounty.

  24. People who use the money argument against gardening don't get it. It's like trying to make the argument that you're better off ordering off the dollar menu at McDonald's instead of doing your own home cooking. There's no comparison! And just as I enjoy gardening, I also enjoy cooking. It's not just about the money.

  25. Beautiful! I find it amazing that people who don't or won't do such things, for whatever their reasons are, they believe that their reasons should be your reasons.

  26. I completely agree with you. It's not just what you get at the end, but to watch how everything grows and produces. I love to grow and share with friends and family.

  27. It is totally therapeutic for me and is where I talk to Jesus. You just gave me an idea. I should ask my in-laws, who are in their 80's, what they would like for me to grow, even if I don't like it, and give it to them!

  28. It's crazy that people can afford TVs. If you assign a value of just $15 an hour to every hour they spend watching it, over a few years it can cost tens of thousands of dollars!

  29. Gardening time is priceless imo. It’s my gym, therapy, pantry, vacation, and so much more.

  30. Your health is invaluable, you can't put a price on it. You only have one life and one body. Treasure it!

  31. I read last year that peppers have one of the highest pesticide levels. This year we grew enough peppers that got us through the summer, and plenty left to freeze for the winter! I feel so good everytime I use them, and know they are CLEAN.
    Cannot put a price on that.

  32. Luke, I just put in 4 4×4 raised beds this fall. I put raised bed soil. My husband wants to cover it with plastic. Should we leave it covered or uncovered? I put some leaves on top and a plastic cover, but im not sure if we should leave it.

  33. I'm growing everything I can cos it's fun for me! It's all worth my time 😊 A lot of my seeds came from you and I've had a great first year!

  34. Hey Luke you are so right. Time is not money. How can life be better than planting and growing food, especially when what you've grown tastes so good and feeds your family and others? Well I like to fish too. So I have to squeeze that in too. Not much this year. I grew and harvested the most tomatoes in my life this year in a new organic raised bed. Who knows what could happen next, but I sure want to be around to find out. Thanks for all you do for us and may the Lord continue blessing you and yours. Keep up the 3 F's, farming (gardening), fishing, and finance and your life and mine will continue getting better.

  35. I agree completely with you Luke. You can’t put a value on the benefits and attained skills from gardening. I get comments too and people just don’t understand. Thank you for speaking out!

  36. For me personally I started a garden too improve my prepper skills and add one more thing that makes me awesome. The surprise was I learned so much more… I can appreciate ladybugs and bees or lizards and even weeds. It has been therapeutic too. Giving someone a watermelon for free is a great feeling. Watching my love ones eat stuff I grew (no words). I have failed so many times but I'm a Taurus I never give up. I make myself better. I don't ever see myself not having one. My dream is too have a small farm now…I can't stop. I love being alone with my plants and I talk too them sometimes yell out them even killed a few too scare the rest in line. I also with out realizing it early on have a big support group of like minded folks from around the world. Its truly a blessing I didn't see coming. Your awesome your 100% right and my other skills are enhanced. Example…I grew habanero pepper…so hot. I now have let's say a new weapon and I mean weapon too stop animals and unwanted people instead of shooting or stabing them the way I was trained too do. Not kidding. My entire life was build on (if it's worth doing its worth doing better each time). From sports too businesses any many other things. I would say I'm a ninja Gardener killing it every day.
    M.i.crazy..jump my fence and find out. Head up chest out moving ever forward. T u 4all u do. Peace&plenty

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