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11 Signs You Have LOW Dopamine Levels! (and How to Fix It)

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Today’s video is about that mythical, magical, motivational neurotransmitter dopamine. Dopamine is super important for making us feel pleasure and motivation. When dopamine is released, we feel good, which makes us want to do that action again repeatedly. Dopamine is our body’s way of rewarding us for activities that should be used to sustain us. But, if your body produces it through unhealthy means, you will not have the right balance. Then, the activities that are supposed to produce it will stop working as they should.
Unhealthy ways dopamine becomes imbalanced
Drugs, alcohol, the internet, and social media can cause a constant cycle that can develop bad habits. Having discipline is critical, and creating healthy habits is a must. When you think about motivation surrounding successful people, it boils down to good habits. What you do consistently will determine where you end up. Check out the audiobook from James Clear called “Atomic Habits,” which is one of the best audiobooks I’ve ever listened to you. It gives a framework to develop exceptional habits and how to break bad ones. The book re-shapes how you think about being successful with easy-to-follow actionable steps. I’ve also been hooked on the Audible podcast “Business Wars.”

Common signs that dopamine is deficient
Lacking motivation.
Difficulty focusing on a task, job, or objective.
Being tired, sluggish, lazy, and run down.
Being restless at night.
Not finding enjoyment with things that used to give you pleasure.
Having a lower sex drive.
Being socially withdrawn.
Having problems with anger.
Having low self-esteem.
Being super forgetful.
Having a difficult time controlling impulses.
Hand tremors and muscle cramps.
Gastrointestinal issues such as constipation.
How to get dopamine back into balance
Get the behavior under control while developing a new habit in its place.
Get massages.
Engage in meditation.
Engage in activities outdoors, such as gardening, walking, or hiking.
Take L-tyrosine and L-theanine amino acids, which are building blocks for dopamine.
Take vitamin D3 and magnesium supplements along with omega-3 fatty acids.


  1. Hey Alpha I was wondering if u could give tips to 16 or 17 year old teens ik u like to give men tips but I think it would be a game changer and would be very sweet and being 16 and a half I’d really like to see u giving tips to teenage men and talking about how to fix their future as a man since when ur 16 or 17 ur so close to officially gunna be an adult it would mean a lot thank u alpha u motivate me as a teen and are very funny and confident and have a fantastic day!!!!👍✌️

  2. Dude this is so good. I’ve been watching Andrew Huberman and he talks all about this stuff. So glad you hit this topic. 👌👌👌

  3. When it comes to meditation you’re saying people go like ahhh I can’t sit in one place and close my eyes id rather hike or do something (which they’ve been doing and nothing changed anyways ) but I don’t understand that we have a tool right in front of our eyes which our ancestors found the way to do it , just simply close your eyes and concentrate your breath. It’s simple as this . And if one cannot do this small thing for their health and well being and yet complain about silly things and being arrogant, well then I think that person deserve every bad shit that happens in their life .

  4. It seems the focus of this video is to choose alternative activities to those that are considered bad habits. It seems like Aaron is trying to suggest doing useful things to get raise dopamine levels, in the hopes that the levels are not too high and causing dependence. I've experienced a lot of these symptoms (low self-esteem, low motivation, low sex drive, minor hand tremors and GI issues – bloating and gas), along with other symptoms like poor motor coordination. If the problem for causing low dopamine is too much dopamine, then how can doing activities that raise dopamine help you? You mentioned how you can just refrain from or limit high dopamine activities (e.g. watching 'the movies', turning your phone off, etc). I wonder how effective this is in resetting the brain's dependence on dopamine? Since it would also be incredibly challenging to remove all sources of dopamine rising activities and stimuli for an extended period. I believe more research is needed in this area, to help people rewire their brains to be less dependent on social media and other unhelpful activities for a dopamine hit. Even the medications available like L-DOPA tend to result in a lot of side effects.

  5. Alpha is right earlier today i was playing video games and I felt really lazy today and at 9 pm I told myself I was gonna workout . I'm 16 years old and I do t have a job so I cant go to the gym so I got my 15 pound weight did some reps and some pushups towards the end of the workout I told myself one thing "I will workout so when i think of why i was ghosted I wouldn't feel bad anymore" and so I felt amazing after the workout and my advice for young men such as myself and older men in a similar mindset is if you feel like shit and you look like shit something has to change . IF YOU WANT TO LOOK GOOD AND FEEL EVEN BETTER THAN GET OFF YOUR ASS AND START TO DO SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE . If you read all the way down here than i thank you for taking the time to see this i really needed to say this more for myself than for others . this is the goal for us to better ourselves so others cant say bad shit we already know about ourself

  6. You almost 60. You look like a grandpa. You have no idea on what is current for a 20 year old guy. It seems more like you are trying to feel young by telling false lies

  7. He is such a deadbeat, every single video has him asking you to click a link so he can make money 😂 this old ass man is a joke

  8. Hey alpha m me and my gf have been going out for a solid 2 and a half years now and i owe it all to you man keep up what your doing it really helps lame guys like me build up the confidence to make life long commitments!!

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