@Roots and Refuge Farm

Roots and Refuge Farm: Who’s living on the pasture? (Homestead Animal Update) | VLOG

Hey ya’ll, I’m Jess from Roots & Refuge Farm

Welcome to a place that feels like home. A small farm with a big family. We hope you’ll pull up a chair, grab some coffee and visit awhile.

There was a time that all I wanted in the world was a little farm where I could raise my family and grow our food. Now, that is exactly what exists outside my door. In watching it unfold, a new dream was formed in my heart – to share this beautiful life with others and teach them the lessons we’ve learned along the way. Welcome to our journey, friend. I am so glad you’re here.

WHERE TO FIND US (Some of the links here are affiliate links. If you purchase through our links we’ll receive a small commission but the price remains the same – OR BETTER – for you! Be sure to check for any mentioned discount codes.)

– Our Website: https://rootsandrefuge.com
– Sign up for our newsletter: https://rootsandrefuge.com/yt-signup
– Abundance+ (Grab a FREE 7-day trial): https://rootsandrefuge.com/yt-wilder-still
– Shop our Stickers & Shirts: https://rootsandrefuge.com/yt-shop
– Order my book First Time Gardener: https://rootsandrefuge.com/yt-ftgbook
– Pre-order my newest book First Time Homesteader: https://rootsandrefuge.com/first-time-homesteader-yt
– Our music is by our friend Daniel Smith http://instagram.com/phillip_daniel_smith/
– Instagram: www.instagram.com/roots_and_refuge
– Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rootsandrefugefarm
– Email Us: rootsandrefuge@yahoo.com
– To drop us a line:
PO Box 4239
Leesville SC 29070
– To have a gift sent to our house from our Amazon wishlist: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/SFA0IZHZRCOZ?ref_=wl_share
– To support us through PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/jessicasowards

PRODUCTS WE LOVE – You’ve probably heard me talk about these things a million times, so here’s where you can order them (and get a discount with my code!):

– Greenstalk Vertical Gardens (Use code “ROOTS10” for $10 off your order): https://rootsandrefuge.com/yt-greenstalk
– Squizito Tasting Room (Use code “ROOTS” for 10% off your order): https://rootsandrefuge.com/yt-squizito
– ButcherBox: https://rootsandrefuge.com/butcherbox
– Growers Solution: https://rootsandrefuge.com/growers-solution

#rootsandrefuge #homesteading #gardening


  1. Yes. Name the devens. You could name them similarly to Nuns. Instead of Sister Mary Hubert. It could be Deven Mary Jane. Don't take offense from my twisted sense of humor. I have liked all the nuns I've known. 🤫

  2. They could be like your old flock of Ethels!! They are a pretty Red, maybe they could be the herd of Lucys.. 😁😆

  3. My memory of horse smells is of riding in the cart behind them and It is not a pleasant aroma that comes out of that end. I do like horses though! 🌻🌻💕💕

  4. I have a question about something that I'm fairly confident that no one else noticed. 🤣 I can spot Thistle a mile away and I'm curious how you will deal with those without spraying? Obviously the ones growing now will be killed by frost soon, but what about in the springtime?

  5. Horse smells are like a puppy's breath or a newborn baby's neck smells, it is special and calls to your heart. Their love for us is like nothing else, not even a dog! When they bond with you it is irreplaceable. But when they don't it is very apparent.I grew up with horses from a very young age but I had a beautiful little Appaloosa mare my dad got me that hated being ridden and could fake a legit limp so bad you couldn't ride at all but as soon as the saddle was off and she was put back into the pasture she would run like the wind. No matter what I tried she was just not having it so after a year of trying we sold her and she was just fine with her new owner, a young man, so apparently, she was not a girl person's horse.

  6. Hello Jess and Miah Sowards and family. The cows and horses are beautiful. Love all your animals. God Bless from a viewer from Toronto Ontario Canada

  7. My memaw was a simple lady and she used a long two by four to hold her clothes line up in the middle. Nothing fancy.

  8. Lotion then vasaline and avoid soap and water when possible. That’s what farming with eczema taught me.

  9. The curiosity of cows is so endearing 🥰 One small thing though, it's preferable to refer to horses as trained vs. broke. A well trained horse is the furthest thing from broken ❤

  10. If you DO decide to try angora goats, i have a friend not too far from where you live…. and even if you only want more fiber information she shears her angora goats, processes fiber, sells some, spins, weaves, and slso felts. I have showed her your channel.

  11. I wouldn't get more alpacas since you already got rid of some of the ones you had. It wouldn't make sense. It would make since to get something else.

  12. Happy Birthday Jackson! 17 is a very big year . Jess you are looking radiant . Enjoy your time and special weekend with Jackson.

  13. My momma always used her clothes pole to prop up the clothes line. We “borrowed” it to make tents in our playroom, propping one end on a toy shelf and the other on a tall stool. Covered with old drapes it became a covered wagon when we played pioneers, or anything else our imaginations desired!

  14. In the old days…people had ' clothes line poles' to keep the laundry off the ground. 7 ft tall, 1 in aluminum poles with a round spiral you. The clothes Lindsay have hung at the 5'5" level yo enable people to hang clothes. You then inserted the spiral tops in the rope/wire then straightened the pole vertically…voila laundry off ground.

  15. Jess that stick is called a Clothes Prop I am 71 yrs old & yes I grew up with one actually, a few, as there was 10 children remember. We used to use the clothes props as our pretend horses & we would run around the huge yard we had playing Cowboys & Indians. Wow what a fabulous time & memory. Thanks Jess Cheers Denise- Australia

  16. why is it the end of the world when you get kissed by an alpaca?
    because of the alpaca-lips!

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