Front Yard Garden

ELDERLY Couple FORGOT they had a Fence! Until I Transformed Their Yard – HUGE clean up.

80+ year old couple that needed help getting their backyard under control, so I showed up engine revvin’ and gotter done.


  1. I get rid of that bougainvillea for ever! And roses, and my jersulum thorn
    . They just seem to reach out when you walk by and stab you. Florida is the worst place with Thorn bushes. Tomorrow I'm going to go out and take care of my Jerusalem again it got a bigger Roots out if you want to get rid of that guy I've taken it to the ground five times and 15 years I'm still comes back back side of that dances fabulous love the work you did.

  2. It's bandicoot, not bandlcoot. And is that old guy the homeowner? Looks like he's not helping so much as getting in the way.

  3. Simple solution for a couple of cans of weed killer over the bottom of the fence and full length fence is what I recommend to do watering can the area cleared and prevent weeds growing back up the fence.

  4. Great job, what type of Echo trimmer do you use, I mean the engine part for multifunctional use. Thanks.

  5. New sub. That fence line work was epic. Curious is layering cardboard mulching will help block them out or would a blow torch work better. I'm not familiar with that kind of vine. The triple mulching of the thorny bush to make the limbs smaller for cleanup is a new trick I've not scene anyone else do. I've added it to my list of tips.
    I like your style, cleaning up in a white shirt. I'll watch all the videos post.

  6. It was nice that you did this but I would suggest you watch some English hedge trimming videos on the proper way to use hedge cutting equipment, and how to quickly and neatly trim a hedge instead of slashing.

  7. If you plant that thorny bush around the perimeter of your house you’ll have a line of defense from intruders. That thing look like it has needles on it.

  8. you need a before and after shot. Also, more tree trimming. Thanks.

  9. New subscriber here. This was a huge undertaking, but you persevered! Great job and very thorough! Also do you have to haul brush away or can you put it out by the road for pickup wherever you are? What state are you in? – watching from Lake Wales, Florida

  10. Your pretty savage and brutal in your work and I'm only 3 plus mins in to the vid, is there a background story or any knowledge on the property beforehand for us to know… Free or paid work done?

  11. New sub…nice that you helped them out! Oh but you butchered the bouganvilla!!!! They are supposed to sprawl and crawl, loaded with colorful flowers!!

  12. Very nice job along that fence line. I hate fences because that's where my weed wacker loses most of the string. With how far you trimmed back the side overgrowth he might be able to get back and trim easier. But it's harder for a pregnant man to get the job done. LoL

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