Gardening Supplies

Which Direction to Face a Vegetable Garden | Garden Bed Orientation | Home gardeners

Which Direction to Face a Vegetable Garden | Garden Bed Orientation
Vegetable gardening is a rewarding, relaxing way to enjoy the outdoors and get some light exercise. You’ll also reap a harvest of fresh, organic vegetables for your table, at a fraction of the cost of store-bought veggies.
To get the most out of your garden, however, supply your plants with optimal growing conditions, including full sun. The direction your garden plot faces will play a role in the amount of sunlight your plants receive throughout the day.
Choosing a Plot
Plants require sunlight for photosynthesis, the process they use to convert the sun’s light into food and energy. Most vegetable plants are full-sun plants, requiring between six and eight hours of sunlight per day.
Morning sun is preferable, as the afternoon sun is hotter, and you don’t want your plants to overheat during the hottest part of the day. Choose a plot that receives good morning sunlight and receives dappled or partial shade in the afternoons.

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