Japanese Garden

You might be surprised how little I grow OVER winter

I have loads of great resources for you to explore, including hundreds of extra videos, my comprehensive gardening ebook, my gardening app, data on everything I grow and when I grow it and so much more. Everything I do is free to use, but not to create!

For my whole ebook/course go here: https://steverichards.notion.site/Gardening-eBook-info-6f57489ae10a4721b48b421826203814

For my Amazon store go here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/shop/stevesseasidekitchengardenallotment

For reference information on what to do each month and what I actually do, go here: https://steverichards.notion.site/Reference-information-eb1f6a760b9c4b5d8e9683502dfec7d0

For my gardening apps go here: https://steves.seasidelife.com/2020/01/26/how-to-plan-your-fruit-and-veg-garden-with-my-new-free-tools-demo/

For polytunnel and greenhouse growing: https://steverichards.notion.site/Polytunnel-greenhouse-growing-e260fa0b71bd4dea9a9003c74bdb9ce7

For my year round growing guides: https://steverichards.notion.site/Year-round-growing-guides-f34b6af9f8e249049a338c0421f30373

For my guides to individual veggies: https://steverichards.notion.site/Individual-growing-guides-bc279089de074c0ab0bfedc4f41d54dd

For my 8 step guide to self sufficiency: https://steverichards.notion.site/8-Steps-to-self-sufficiency-a2b678878ee94ec79becf7f40cca7b4e

For my gardening basics course: https://steverichards.notion.site/The-basics-fabeb9d9ba5d4227a63226824a29ac82

For info on harvesting: https://steverichards.notion.site/Harvesting-4d6644fef5ab4b8f89cb722f50dbaedb

For my FAQ document and video: https://steves.seasidelife.com/2020/01/20/allotmentfaq/

My books and videos are all grounded in what I actually do, I make sure you can see the evidence. For example if I suggest sowing carrots in November, take a look at my monthly tours to see them growing and my harvest videos for May to see the actual results. I’m not just about regurgitaing information from the backs of seed packets!

Just because all my resources are ‘free of charge’, to everyone, doesn’t mean they aren’t good quality. My objective is to make sure that there’s no need to be rich to get access to great gardening information. I do however have a lot of costs to cover and my time is valuable to me, so please consider supporting me at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/steverichards


  1. Thanks for the video Steve. I love growing greens in winter, I have a few module trays that are under grow lights in the morning and evening and then out on the patio table during the day. Its my way to catch up on late sowings but ultimately it just lifts my spirit to see them grow. The grenoble red lettuce is my favourite lettuce, thanks to you .

  2. Frost on the cars first thing this morning. Beautiful day. Allotment beckons. Thanks!

  3. I started broad beans in pots in two successions and they are coming on strong. I usually sow and plant them early spring so am a bit nervous to plant them out. We havd some enthusiastic gardening mice who move them about in spring if they are tiny and till have the seed.

  4. My brassica for spring got too damaged by cabbage whites (got to get a good butterfly netted space for them for next year). I resorted to buying purple sprouting plug plants and due to the postal strikes they arrived yellow. I think they will be replaced though. We got tons of little florets from 4 plants in spring and part of summer, they just keep giving.

  5. Great video all my brassicas are outside for spring, but I've got more Hiden in my greenhouse. I've grown all my winter onions by seeds by couldn't help but some bulbs haha need to get them planted. Had nothing but rain ☔ laterly

  6. Hi, thanks for the info. Do you still use hot beds these days? I can't recall you mentioning them recently (but might have missed you saying). If not, any particular reason? Maybe having your Polytunnel means you don't need them any more. Just wondering. Cheers.

  7. Talking about over winter, I have just read that a gardener called Mr. Muir wrote in the Field November 1887 that he liked to take autumn cuttings from his favourite Tomato plants, and over winter the rooted cuttings with his geraniums, frost free, but fairly dry. He said they produced fruit much earlier than the plants grown from seeds.

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