Japanese Garden

Ant’s Japanese Garden – Summer update

Two years since we finished filming for Monty Don’s Big Dreams Small Spaces gardening show.

One biggish change is the bamboo. It never worked as a line of plants. So I’ve dug our most of them and created a grove. Already it’s transformed that area of the garden.

The chamomile lawn, decimated over winter, is recovering after improving the drainage with grit and compost and replanting with cuttings.


  1. good morning Ant !! the garden is coming on leaps and bounds and is starting to mature and take its shape !! as you say it only going to get better as the year go on !!

  2. Hi Ant , garden is looking great. Glad the chamomile had rooted and is thriving. Keep that bamboo contained. I know from experience. Take care. Nick

  3. Its looking good. I remember watching the show use was the guys who had bad drainage if my memory is right and had to get a tonnes of earth put in.

  4. I saw you create your garden on the show Big Dreams, Small Spaces – I’m thrilled to find your garden update! I can’t wait to see more updates in the future. Keep up the great work.

  5. Beautiful design- it looks amazing! – what are the two plants- 1) the ground cover that looks like moss that occupies the bulk of the center 2) the bamboo type grass around the tree

  6. Yes you must use a liner with the monsters called running bamboo or you will regret it… I'm just saying

  7. Garden looks absolutely wonderful, I was looking for some ideas for planting Japanese plants in my garden came across your channel, deffo found the right place to look thanks, liked and 💯 worth to sub, take care 👍🏻

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