Container Gardening

The container garden in early Spring

The container garden has started to shoot with this weeks sunshine. Crocus, Tulips wind Narcissi are poking their heads up through the soil in the pots. The days are stretching and the plants responding. We can’t wait for the Tulips to come.


  1. Just delightful. The metal work containers so go with stone cottage and country. A pop of Terra Cotta adds a brightness. The crocus are jewels in the Spring. Can't wait to see all these other pots in flower. Thank you for sharing.

  2. I would like to see Jessica and Arthur Parkinson together in their own Gardeners' World programme.

  3. So wonderful! I adore your little front garden. Especially now that I've got a garden of my own since a few months ago. Very excited to see what you do.

  4. I love this idea! Curious do you think this would work in places that get to -40C? Would the seeds/bulbs survive over the winter?

  5. I was hoping you would be adding a new video, wondering how your space was looking about now. Still one of my favorite gardens! Can't wait to watch as everything blooms☺️🌺

  6. Love this time of year, with the anticipation of things to come. Can wait to see the containers and pots in full bloom 🐝

  7. Just lovely! I’ve been thinking about this garden…thank you for sharing. Happy spring. 🌷🙏💚

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