Vegetable Gardening

Cabbage Update!

Cabbage Update! The Red Acre is looking so good!! I inspected each plant for pest. Saw some holes in one, but nothing too major. This space will get another round of fish fertilizer this week or next. Spacing that chore out as far as I can because the smell is just awful but yet it works ๐Ÿ˜….

I also have been harvesting lettuce about every other day and I will start to pick the Swiss Chard leaves this week.

Taking things slow has been good for me. I feel like I am in motion when it comes to the garden but not too much to the point that my burnout creeps back in. I’ve found my sweet spot & I hopefully I can stay here when Spring rolls around!

How have you been doing so far this season?

#garden #gardener #backyardgarden #dearestgarden #vegetablegarden

1 Comment

  1. The Red Acre is looking so good!! I inspected each plant for pest. Saw some holes in one, but nothing too major. This space will get another round of fish fertilizer this week or next. Spacing that chore out as far as I can because the smell is just awful but yet it works ๐Ÿ˜….

    Taking things slow has been good for me. I feel like I am in motion when it comes to the garden but not too much to the point that my burnout creeps back in. I've found my sweet spot & I hopefully I can stay here when Spring rolls around!

    How have you been doing so far this season?

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