Gardening Supplies

How I Display Houseplants to Keep Them Exciting | Plant Care Day – REPOTTING & Plant Updates.

In this Plant Care Day video, I’ll be showing you how I keep my houseplants exciting by displaying them in interesting ways. From repotting to plant updates, I’ll show you everything you need to know to keep your plants looking their best!

If you’re looking for ways to keep your houseplants exciting, then this is the video for you! By following my tips, you’ll be able to display your plants in fun and interesting ways that will keep them looking great.

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  1. I can identify with you but in reverse. I like less and I was watching like grow tent plant hoarding vidsand I ended up with way too many and had to purge. It definitely happens 💜 I’ve learned what I like as well and I’m sticking with it

  2. I love what your doing I love when my plants grow crazy sont do what you think people want to see you might find more people like what your doing a lot just be you

  3. Do you usually repot year-round? I have a Marble Queen who looks ready for repotting (though I've only had her for a year, so maybe I'll wait). But, some folks say to wait until the spring/summer? Do you always wait? Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings with us.

  4. I would love another video of you making cute planters again <3. I love that you overcame the sad days :). Wellcome back !

  5. you plant aesthetic is great it works with ur home and it’s unique and reflects your personality! you do you ❤
    100% agree with that internet/ig aethetic is really not practical and its not for everyone. who has the space to just have plants and nothing else like do they not have other hobbies or love for other items/personal things that they have accumulated throughout life. its so unrealistic.

  6. Be yourself not someone else, by the way why do youtubers never have Bromeliads/Air plants/Haworthia/Miniature Tree Fern and ferns in general aren't discussed a lot. Just to name a few species.
    I'm loving the Caudex plants tho! it's something else

  7. I love Harli for Harli! Be real like the rest of us ❤️ I look forward to your videos you make me smile ☺️ You inspire me and my love for houseplants. I love my “stuff” just like you do I think it’s a style called eclectic 🥸 Be you!

  8. Great to hear about your new-old direction. Cannot wait to see the weirdo plants you invest in.
    Would you please add a link for the large clear planter pots?

  9. I'm so glad you found your joy again. I'm in love with "clutter" too. I like my plants to be bunched up and living off of each other. It's really hard when so many people are telling you to do this or do that. Let's all do what makes us happy and take inspiration from being different!

  10. I’m just getting interested in plants and found your channel. Thanks so much for being awesome and honest!🎉

  11. Just an idea from experience – I know, it’s scary, but – if it helps, you can trim half of those roots, off of the Burle Marx (and similar plants). Of course more will just grow back from the cuts. Lol. 😉 …it makes repotting easier. And helps the plant settle in faster, due to the “need” for new root production.

    You can avoid that risk of a big air pocket like you were saying; just trim the roots, even 3/4 won’t hurt it. You can trim, then fill half or so of the pot with substrate, then just set the plant on top! Then fill in some more soil and maybe top dressing, gravel, etc. If you’re worried about contamination at all, just sanitize your tools with peroxide or alcohol first.

  12. I’m so glad you are enjoying your plants again! Some of the ones you mentioned you love or were bringing you joy are new to me and I’m excited to learn about! I feel like that just goes to show if you do your own thing you’ll be capturing unique content in many ways. I’ve been in a little bit of a plant rut too, so this has been helpful to me too! ☺️

  13. Loved the video. I did not see the product used to treat the wood? I am always scared to treat any wood and it always ends up rotting…

  14. lovely Harly cant tell how much i love you! Among all plant you tubers you are my favorite. there are lots of things i love about you! you are funny, you are you😍 dont pretend anything, you are not like other fancy plant keepers that have all the fancy new plants on earth. i went through the comments lil bit and noticed how others liked you and what u mentioned in this video too. It really is something coz not a lot of ppl realize it let alone talking about it. do what ever you like the way you like it and we will support ya😘

  15. About your stephani(caudex) i goes dormant in winter and grows back in spring. so it may take a bit longer for it to grow! also it wont grow strong long roots, the roots will be delicate. one more thing it sometimes grows a vine (branch?) without having roots😂wierd ha?
    i heard if you keep it in a humid and dark envoirnment it helps it to start growth faster

  16. Can you link the huge clear pots? I couldn’t find them in your Amazon storefront 🙁 thank you!

  17. Hi Harli! Love what you did with the planks. I think the word you were looking for was exacerbated (meaning when things get worse) in regards to why you were dreading your plant chores. Exasperated means frustrated, or irritated….they sound similar…we know what you meant, and I am just trying to help you out;)

  18. I totally agree with you on the plants getting bigger. It gets harder to find planter pots for them, which leads to putting off repotting them for as long as you can. 🤦🏾‍♀️

  19. You are the most " normal " plant person I've found on YouTube. Thanks for the rambling of this video!. Very inspiring for us all to do things the way we want . Great information as well!

  20. I was just talking about this with a friend. Him saying sorry for his plants not being aesthetically pleasing ! And that’s not the point of plants! I love when I have a little plant I see grow. I love that you are doing you!

  21. As a long-time viewer, this is definitely one of my favorite videos of yours. So many ideas and inspiration. Please BE YOU! Because you have so much to offer simply being your authentic self!

  22. Yes!!! I used to love look at your old home ❤️ your style is beautiful and I did stress that when you moved your house would be more empty 🙈😂😂 always love the way you display things. So glad you are feeling a bit more back to you ❤️ followed you right from the start.

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