Edible Gardening

How to stop the itch from POISON IVY, CHIGGERS, potentially ECZEMA and Bee Stings! Natural Remedy

Poison Ivy and chiggers can drive you nuts. We were wandering around Arkansas a few weeks ago and my wife and I got chigger bites and she got poison Ivy. A friend made us a salve that instantly got rid of the chigger itch for me and it also helped my wife with the poison ivy.

Salve https://amzn.to/3DZ5GVd
Plantago Major seeds to grow https://amzn.to/3NFJqD1
Plantago Ovata seeds to grow https://amzn.to/3E1ltmB
The absolute best book I have found on natural remedies I wouldn’t want to live without this book. https://amzn.to/3Uj3nBE
Psyllium Seed husk powder https://amzn.to/3U4T3h2


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  1. Don't the enzymes in saliva help make this more effective? I thought I read something about that a while ago..

  2. I also wanted to add that the last time I had a really bad Poison Ivy reaction, I immediately bought a Jewel Weed spray in tincture form at local health food store and it did absolutely nothing!

    Although I believe I have a bad allergy to Poison Ivy because my arm swelled up to twice its normal size, I had to get Prednisone to reduce the swelling and that really helped within a few days. Best thing is PREVENTION lol.

    Also I got a little bit of Poison Ivy a few weeks ago but I had been taking high dose vitamin C because I was sick and I noticed that the reaction was SIGNIFICANTLY mild, hardly any bumps, no swelling and it disappeared quickly. I think there's definitely a relationship between vitamin c and the anti histamine component when dealing with poision ivy.

  3. i looove plantain. but do research the narrow plantian has more benefits then just the broad leaf. tho they have similar. i personally have both in my yard and use them together for better overall effects. it has great vitamins and mineral counts.

  4. and plz…. DO NOT put oil and any fresh plant in a jar with a lid… it WILL go rancid!! i promise you.. instead use cheese cloth so it can breath!! in a cool dark place …

  5. What works best for me on poison ivy, and yeast infection is soak a washcloth in apple cider vinegar and scrub it into the itchy area 2 to 3 times a day and the rash is gone within a few days.

  6. I used jewel weed for my poison ivy a few times this year and it worked better than anything I've ever tried for the itch. It seemed like it cleared up faster also. I did notice the jewelweed early in the season seemed more potent just from crushing it and applying. Later in the season I ground it up the best I could, put it in a glass pan with water and slowly heated it. I let it come to room temp then put it in a glass jar in the fridge. I washed with Dawn before applying every time. I haven't tried the plantain yet, I wonder if mixing them would have even better results……just a thought. Love the videos, very helpful. Take care everyone!

  7. I grew up eating this plantain! It’s one of my favorites. Just boil it up, add salt and a little bit of bacon grease for seasoning. Yum!

  8. Run a bit of really hot tap water over the affected area if you can (no, don’t scald yourself) and, after a brief spasm of intense itching, it shuts off the itching for hours after.

  9. The bees wax? What if you are allergic to bees? I dont know how bee wax is made? For most bites and some itches we use wet black tea applied to the area, sometimes with chewable aspirin mixed in.
    In 2019 a study was being done on saliva as a pain killer and they believed it be as strong as Pharmaceutical opioids without the addiction. So chewing it and then placing it on the wound sounds reasonable.

  10. I saw a health promotion on a herbalist called #DrAjayi who prepares herbal medicine to cure genital herpes and many other infections. I first doubted It was not true but decided to meet him on YouTube after taking his prescribed herbs I was completely cured with no side effects Dr Ajayi is well trusted, get connected with him now on YouTube..

  11. Bay leaves are a good prevention for poison oak on the west coast, if you know you touched poison oak you can crush the leaves and rub on your skin. Rash never apears. Bay trees are all over at least in the west.

  12. Right on, great info, thanks! For poison ivy, I apply lotion to skin before yard work, to create barrier that allows easier wash off of p.i. oil, and I limit yard work to 2 hr sessions, then wash hands/arms, repeat with lotion. I'm surrounded by all these things. Even had p.i. on chigger bites,topped with mosquito. Hot water helps, but worse is I've graduated to the guy that says. "Aw, that stuff doesn't bother me (anymore). Thanks for info, always wondered about plant remedy…thx.

  13. If buying the plantain dried, do you want the chips, herb, or leaves…cut and dried or what? We looked and looked where we live a few months ago when we needed it and cannot find it. Also do you let it sit 2 weeks for the fresh only or the dried as well?

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