Container Gardening

Container Gardening made simple. Great tips for growing Hot Peppers in containers.MP4

Container gardening is becoming wildly popular. And no wonder with it’s many advantages. Pepper Joe walks you through growing Hot Peppers in containers. A recent survey on our Facebook page shows that 60% of our gardeners grow in containers either exclusively or to supplement their traditional garden or raised bed garden.


  1. I have a handful that only have seedling potting soil and will test the two methods out and see what happens.

  2. Joe,
    Is it possible that my mix could be the issue? I transplanted about 12 total plants with this mix and it's just the 4 that have this issue.
    In WA, we haven't had much sun lately and that is why I stopped transplanting more in the bigger pots for outside. I think they are out growing their solo cups in my hot box so i have need to transplant them pretty soon.
    Thanks for the responses and the videos.

  3. You and I must share the same brain. I've been doing this for several years out of necessity, and EVERYTHING you said in this vid is EXACTLY what I say to other who ask me about my container gardening.

  4. James, I couldn't find the video?? Anyway, remove spotted leaves and dust your plants with a sulfur/copper powder that you can find at Lowe's, etc. Also, put this in your transplant holes to try and PREVENT any bacterial or Fungal issues in the future.

  5. Thanks Joe!
    I will try that.
    Right now everything seems to growing pretty well.
    Next year I plan on trying your potting mix and see how well things grow.

  6. That is good to know. This is my first year growing and I just kind of guessed at what would work for me.
    I just had the same issue with the 3 plants that I transplanted from seed starter to my potting mix and they never went outside but they had the same spots as a couple of plants that were outside in my potting mix. Kind of confusing myself..
    I will try the copper/sulfer powder and see how they do.

  7. We cannot deny the fact that container gardening is now the most acclaimed growing technique. No wonder why several homeowners follow this system because of its positive advantage and easy to manage gardening. However, these tips for growing hot peppers are worth useful. 

  8. Thank you Joe & Penny! My seeds arrived in Pennsylvania today. Finally something to do besides shoveling snow!
    Starting my pepper & tomato seeds today.


  9. Hi, Thanks for the video. Question: Do I need to drill holes in the bottom of the 5 gallon bucket?  –Nate

  10. Just ordered some reapers and Peter peppers from u so scared but excited to eat them lol. I honestly don't really like hot food but I can't back out now lol

  11. What you said was interesting and you are a good looking gentleman, but while you were explaining I much would have rather see what you were talking about; seeing the containers.

  12. Thanks pepper joe learnd alot from you now i have many pepper plants and one big carolina reaper plant,btw im in alberta canada.

  13. hi, Pepper Joe my pepper plants in containers not producing flowers, they look so healthy big green leaves but no flowers in site can you help me?

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