Container Gardening

Tips How to GROW FOOD in Summer Container Gardening Totes Trellis Vegetable Garden Tomatoes Peppers

Hot Summer in full swing, still growing in Southern California Watermelons, Cucumbers, Kale, Collard, Celery, Beans, more Vegetables in Vertical Gardening, Raised Bed Garden, Compost in Place, Garden Recycle Finds, How to Grow Tomatoes, Squash, Zucchini, Eggplant, peppers, celery, parsley, lettuce, kale, collard, onions, walking onions, papaya, pepino, mint, flowers Zinnias & more. Elevated Way to grow vegetable in raised bed Container Garden, many methods here to see. Garden Tour, a week before Summer. Growing in Totes, Storage Container Gardening is a way to SAVE on Water, Plants grow great and help to retain water for the fast growing plants. Growing in Vertical Garden, contain gardening, raised garden bed and buckets all growing food. See a Vertical Garden in Buckets using almost no space at all growing lots of food! Tomatoes and Zucchini growing everywhere and more, solar fountains for enjoyment in the garden. See How to Grow in Raised Garden Bed & Container Gardening using Tulle to protect our plants and produce. How to Protect your Vegetables, Cheap & EASY Tulle protect seedlings, Container Garden, small spaces, patio garden, fruit trees, Papayas, kale, lettuce, tomatoes, Vegetables, flowers and in the ground plants. Spring going strong, cold nights but many plants are doing great, soon others will start to come up.

Here are the SAME Solar Fountain Kits I buy for our Yard and this is an affiliated/aff. link to the company:

and another aff. link for the Solar Fountains we use here, as they run out fast:

Here is a Company that I buy from for tubing for the SOLAR FOUNTAIN Kits, this is an aff. link to their site, (5/16″ ID x 7/16″ OD) which this aff. link will take you right to:

Best Price I have found for TULLE. This is TULLE that Great Fabric SO CHEAP and last years outside here, here is an aff. link to check out, many colors, I usually get one of the greens, but any color will work great:

Soldering Iron works for making holes in buckets and totes, this is an aff. link to someone I have purchased a soldering iron from:

This is a pump that works off a Power Bank unit, (like a phone Charger) no solar needed:

Growing TONS & Saving Water in Raised Bed Garden Totes, Vertical Gardening, Tomatoes Zucchini & More



  1. Robbie, lovely tour of your beautiful creative inspiring garden.😃 Your produce is looking great…sweet watermelons!👍All of your gardens are precious! Enchanted with the bird garden.😃

  2. Eating broccoli will add years on your little furry baby….how sweet….this inspires me to grow broccoli …in a tub!!!!

  3. Hi Robbie! Question… I'm going to plant some fall and winter veggies using the 2 bucket system. What small plants can I use for the top bucket? I'm just getting started this summer with growing vegetables and I'm really enjoying your videos!

  4. @Robbie and Gary Gardening Easy – I am growing in empty tubs (23 gallon) that I turned into self wicking style. The tubs and potting mix are 3 years old. I've always used organic rabbit manure in the tubs I get from a friend. This year I have 13 tomato plants (indeterminate) and out of all the plants, I've only had 2 tomatoes. My pepper plants have done well. I can't figure out if the issue is lack of nutrients in the potting mix or if its the heat. Im in Tulsa, Ok and our weather has been horrible. They have grown like normal but no tomatoes. At this point, Im not even getting flowers? Any suggestions? PS You bring so much joy to my life. When Im stressed, I listen or watch your videos. I love your goodness.

  5. I just love the design with the tubing and you can also add chicken wire to it or the wire mesh, or even your tulle so things can trellis in the open space above

  6. I don't know why my sugar babies will grow then deflate….I have 6 vines and they are strong, off the ground and will flower, start to grow then deflat. Never the same size, in a raised bed with other things that are thriving. I also live in Southern California

  7. Hi Robbie from hot, steamy central Florida. Have I got a story for you! I have a Red-footed tortoise named, Roman (he was found “Roamin’ “ around a trailer park). He’s blind and lives in an outdoor enclosure built with lattice, brick and wood. One day I noticed what looked like a tiny tomato plant on the shadier end of his enclosure. It grew and grew and before long it had grown all along the 8 foot lattice and produced black cherry tomatoes, which I don’t grow. I pretty much let it go crazy. I deduced that a bird dropped the seeds and Roman’s poop provided the fertilizer. The sun and water were perfect. I was giving away tomatoes like crazy! I love your channel. My garden includes so many ideas like my hummingbird garden and compost tea maker!! I also use the irrigation tubing, traditionally for my micro irrigation system. Now I have another use for 300 feet of tubing! Thanks!😊

  8. 🙋🏾‍♀️My watermelon looks like yours. Kinda growing off center. Mine are growing in Buckets & totes & Grow bags. The ones in Grow bags Always looked dry so I was watering everyday. The Biggest one split! I was so sad! It still tasted so yummy 😋 though. I guess I was over watering🤷🏾‍♀️

  9. This year I tried growing a few plants in containers unfortunately the weather has been triple digits for well over a month and really hasn’t been getting below the high 70s and so much stress is put on the plan I have not had any production of any kind. When the temperatures are so high and they don’t go down how do you Keep The stress from the high temperatures from Retarding or stunting any kind of production leading to a harvest?

  10. Great tour of the different things in your garden.
    It’s amazing to see the many things that reseed in your garden.

  11. A deer came down from nowhere, as if it fell out of the sky.
    It dropped in unexpectedly and people wondered why.
    "It's too early in the year for deer!" Why it showed up now remains unclear.
    "The natural order of events somehow surely must have gone awry!"
    A deer came down and with a frown walked hesitantly up the drive.
    "I don't know these people but they do seem nice and it might be worth the strive.
    It's a one time opportunity i've been waiting for to arrive.
    I'll get my family from out of town and show them a different life!"

  12. Buy green onions from Asian stores- they tend to leave longer roots on – cut off about 1” off of the root end and plant in soil – in a few days you will see green growth – keep cutting indefinitely- plant will keep growing- or can let it grow & get a big seed head & save black seeds to grow later

  13. I have a pond I made from a Rubbermaid horse trough with goldfish living in it – it’s about 3 feet deep – what kind of water plants can grow in it ? It’s so deep – need something that floats —tried water lettuce but all died in winter

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