@Epic Gardening

Epic Gardening: Trying to propagate rare twigs


  1. Wait, aren't figs the fruit with dead wasps inside them? Or maybe you can avoid that by hand pollination.

  2. Kevin, what varieties did the fig Hunter send you? David is a super nice guy. We’re trialing 73 varieties of fig for food production in 9A North Florida if you need any more cuttings? Both of our crazy long growing seasons, gives us more options that could never ripen up north…

  3. Do you know how to grow Osage orange? Because I just found two Osage oranges and would like to grow them!

  4. Show of hands, whoever has accidentally planted a cutting upside down 🙋🏽‍♀️

  5. I have a small eucalyptus tree, can I use the same method to propagate?

  6. I have a black mission fig tree/bush its getting pretty big its in a 2 foot deep pot. But i thought when i got it it was self pollinating so no need for the wasps. I was wrong. Being in zone 5 or 7, itll be a wonderful tree that will never bare fruit.

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