Gardening Supplies

How to Set up a tower gardening -Part 1

You will find the answer to below Question

1 – What is organic farming and why is it important?
2 – What does certified organic mean and how is certification regulated?
3 – Can GMOs be used in organic products?
4 – How does organic farming help the environment?
5 – How does organic farming improve soil and water quality?
6 – What is the current state of certified organic agriculture in the U.S.?
7 – Are organic yields lower?
8 – Why is it important to invest in organic research?
9 – What is the Organic Agriculture Research Act?
10 – What organic provisions were approved in the 2018 Farm Bill?
11 – Why does organic cost more?
12 – Where can beginning organic farmers and farmers transitioning to organic get assistance?
13 – How does organic farming help mitigate climate change?
14 – How does organic farming increase resilience to climate change?

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