Edible Gardening

Why invasive plants like burning bush get banned from sale (& what to plant instead)

So what actually is an invasive plant? And why do certain invasives plants like the burning bush (Euonymus alatus or winged euonymus) get banned from sale in a particular state?  Today, I’m going to try to tackle this subject and break it down so it’s as easy to understand as possible. So that you know what all of this means and what you can actually do about the invasive species issues that we’re facing.

Links Mentioned:
3 Gardening Secrets Revealed (Free Training):

Native vs. Invasive Plants Article:

Why Choose Native Plants Instead of Non-Native Invasive Plants In Your Landscape

NWF Keystone Plants by Ecoregion:

Fine Gardening Interview with Doug Tallamy:

Why Native Plants Are Key to Saving Our Ecosystems: An Interview With Doug Tallamy

Doug Tallamy’s Books on Amazon (affiliate link): https://amzn.to/3sCi9rt

Doug Tallamy’s Homegrown National Park website:
I’m Amy and over at PrettyPurpleDoor.com, I help home gardeners design vibrant, manageable 4-season landscapes that are uniquely you.


  1. International environmental law uses the term “charismatic megafauna” when referring to our unconscious bias towards animals that are appealing, while ignoring the small extremely important but less recognized fauna, like krill and caterpillars. Planting the keystone plants recognizes that these tiny, less visible organisms are vital.

  2. I didn’t see any links , which I’m sure means that I’m doing something wrong. Is there a place I can find them?

  3. Thank you so much Amy for this awesome video!!! I'm always talking about this with my clients. Invasive species whether it be plants, insects, or animals, do so much more harm than most people understand. Great video and important information.

  4. Many states have a goverment website page with an invasive plants list. Search using your state name + invasive plants list. For me that would be Massachusetts invasive plants list.

  5. Thank you very much! This is very interesting. I also wonder if I can use anything that belong to that genus? Or it is species specific? For instance I have lime rod, not golden rod. Is it still consider native since the genus is the same? Thank you very much!

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