Backyard Garden

No More Burning Bushes! ๐Ÿ˜ข Why I'm pulling mine out and not planting them any more.

I love Burning Bushes! A lot! They are steadfast, deer resistant, reliable shrubs with stunning fall color! But I recently learned that they are native to Asia and have escaped their landscapes and become invasive in many parts of the US. On the east coast there are entire forests that have been overrun by these shrubs, and other Asian and European plants. Luckily some people are taking action and some municipalities have banned the sale of these invasive plants.

It’s unlikely that Burning Bushes will escape the landscapes here in Spokane’s dry climate, but there is another problem that makes removal relevant here: Birds eat the seeds, but the seeds are not nutritionally complete for our birds. Both migratory and overwintering birds in our area need food with sufficient fat content to support them over winter. Asian shrubs do not provide enough fat for American birds.
(Source: Dr Douglas Tallamy & his research of horticulture, entomology & ornithology and how native & non-native plants and animals interact.)

So out they come!

00:00 – Intro
00:17 – Why Burning Bushes have to go
03:09 – How to dig a large shrub by hand
05:18 – Logan’s awesome shovels
06:37 – My new shrubs!
09:17 – Root washing & planting

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  1. Thank you for watching and thank you for your support throughout this year! Remember to subscribe if you would like to continue following and learning with us as we continue to grow!

  2. Wow this was so informative I had no idea. I love birds so I would have think they were good, now I know better. A friend & I rescue birds when they migrate thru the city, birds hit the glass skyscrapers or fall to the cement, most do not survive impact, those that do we get them help. A youtube shows us in Newark NJ and of us picking up injured Warblers.

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