
@houseplantjournal: (2/2) …during the week, the two philodendron ‘Brazil’ baskets hang out by this…

(2/2) …during the week, the two philodendron ‘Brazil’ baskets hang out by this south facing window (partially blocked), which is probably a bit too much direct sun but I haven’t had too many burnt leaves in the past 2 years. Other plant friends: jade plant, pothos ‘marble queen’ (hard to see among all the foliage but it’s there), begonia erythrophylla (“beefsteak begonia”) – she recently went crazy with flower stalks! With such bright light, I can safely water each plant once a week since I’m only here on Sundays. One way to avoid “overwatering” is to help the plant use up that water faster, i.e. give it brighter light. And yes, I have 3 of these watering cans: one at home, one at church, one at my girlfriend’s place. I bought them from Lee Valley Tools on a clearance sale so I’m not sure who carries them regularly. #houseplants #plantlove #plantlife #foliage #indoorplants #philodendron #philodendronbrazil #pothos #marblequeen #jadeplant #begonia #beefsteakbegonia #begoniaerythrophylla #wateringcan

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