Container Gardening

June Herb Container Garden, Drying Spring Herbs, Green Stalk, Deck Correct

Join me for a quick walk through the herb container garden on this beautiful morning in this first week of June!

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Excalibur Dehydrator on Amazon:

GreenStalk provided (at no cost to me) the vertical gardens and accessories shown in my videos. I am recording video footage of all the different herbs and vegetables I grow so you can see how easy it is! Get $10.00 off a GreenStalk, use my code: rainbowgardens at checkout.
Link to GreenStalk website:
I receive a commission when you use my information to purchase through their website. Thank you so much for your support!

Green Stalk Video Playlist:

Please feel free to shop through my link when purchasing on Amazon and it will help out the channel:

I create all components of the video with the exception of the music. I do all of the gardening, research, videography, editing, lighting, audio, uploads, and recipe creation (unless otherwise noted).

I use the Square Foot Garden method:
Square Foot Garden Book:

I provide my videos for entertainment and promotional purposes only. It is your responsibility to evaluate the accuracy, timeliness, completeness, or usefulness of the content, instructions and advice contained in my videos. I am not liable for any loss or damage caused by your reliance on anything contained in my videos. Some of the links provided are a result of my participation in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and the GreenStalk Associate Program, affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for me to earn fees by linking to and


  1. I have Thai basil that is starting to flower. Does that mean that I should just let it go to seed or can I harvest the leaves and let them dry, or will they be bitter???? I'm really not sure what part to harvest. Thanking you again for all of your help and videos.

  2. Really love seeing all the changes you're making to the property now that you've bought it. Hooray for finally having a hose on your deck! That should speed up maintenance quite a bit.

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