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Gravitas: China deploys “Robot Soldiers” along the border with India

China is deploying robots equipped with machine guns along the border with India. A report claims that China is replacing soldiers with these machines – as the Chinese troops are unable to cope with the high altitudes. Palki Sharma tells you more.

#China #RobotSoldiers #Gravitas

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  1. "这里还有一件事情要和你们说明一下,我现在就住在你们附近的酒店里,我是这样计划的。"

  2. While china is making soldier robots india is busy in making Rashmi robo and shalu robo 🤦‍♂️ wake up early india govt

  3. their weakness is the camera eye…. and already i know how something can make their robot eyes go blind….

  4. All evil first started from the US military complex. They started it first then every other nations follow. Monkey see monkey do

  5. As an indian I am petrified considering our soldiers have give up their lives without even getting a chinese soldier killed we need to start making robots.

  6. Robots lol easy to hack, easy to ruin with a simple projectile, easy to put out of action with a sheet from home. Let them carry on.

  7. As Jimi Hendrix said, When the POWER of LOVE overcomes the LOVE of POWER – then the world will know peace.
    Maybe Jimi, I seriously hope so. RIP. XXX

  8. Ancient GHOST DNA Ancestor >>> First life from the beginning of the universe HIGGS Boson TagC has WARN all human in universe. Do NOT act on your OWN of building Robot all over the WORLD. NOT only CHINA, Western Country do has ROBOT keep in their secret basement factory as well. So dont come and blame ln China.

    Warning to All Scientist. If you build a Ai Robot that turnover and ATTACK humans then SERVE U RIGHT. You are slapping your face and create crisis or disaster. You are causing great harm to your own species > Humanity.

    Act CLEVER more. Curiosity will kill yourself.

    STOP doing experiment on breeding human or Ai Robot looks humanlike. And dont think that Scholars individual Ancient Spirit does not know that in real cases many human were killed and forced to turn into Ai Robot and used them as Gaming Model to Manipulats them.

    If you human dunno how to behave as human. Then the Ancient Sun Ghost (Not God) will keep back the fire energy from the sun. No lifes can dominate or manipulate or stop the Sun from releasing its highest degree to the unlimited maximum amount of POWER and ENERGY. BIBLE stated sharp clear. Ghost is Consuming Fire.

  9. More A i that will end up shooting it’s own fighters, blue on blue , yet another load of rubbish…just put a dummy fighting man in front of it while the real fighters are behind it …

  10. So to be clear us in the USA 🇺🇸 it ok for us to develop those kind of weapons and no one freak out

  11. Military–industrial complex comes FIRST . They need to be shut down for good faster then ending global warming

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