Garden Plans


Isaiah confronts a nation drowning in sin and points out what God sees—

Corrupt leadership.
Grasping materialism, drunken pleasure-seeking, defiant sinfulness, moral perversion, arrogant conceit, and corrupt leadership.
These are the specific sins that God identifies as the reason for the destruction of Israel.
Do they sound vaguely familiar?

It wouldn’t be a stretch, would it, to say that we live in a nation that is consumed with its grasping materialism?

Has there ever been a society in the history of the world as materialistic as ours?

Has there ever been a society more given over to pleasure, madness, partying, drunkenness, and drugs?

Has there ever been a society more defiant in its sinfulness, quicker to shake its fist in the face of God?

Has there ever been a society more morally perverted where marriage is bad and living together is noble, where a relationship between a man and a woman is only one of many options?

Or telling the truth doesn’t matter, honesty doesn’t matter, virtue doesn’t matter; style matters.

And has there ever been a more arrogant society of people who have more of their own answers for everything?

Has there ever been a culture with more personal opinions given weight and merit?

And certainly, like many other cultures, we have corruption in our leadership, and we find out about it just about every day, don’t we? Another corrupt person who lacks virtue, who lacks integrity, who is dishonest, who is hypocritical, who is immoral; and those are only the ones that we know about.

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  1. Love your faith in God and spreading His Word, but please eliminate ALL interior youtube ads on your episodes. Ads encourage people to click off and miss these important messages. Don't let your want for revenue hinder the message. Ads before and after make sense, not during God's Word. Sending Best Wishes and Blessings, James and Kim ❤️

  2. yes there where 2 great cities just like what you said off the start. God took them out. we should learn from the past

  3. If that's his will then that's what happens, all the Nations are on the world stage for His Glory when they fit the puzzle, when they don't, they're displaced. There are no righteous nations, only His People called out of this world for His glory.

  4. We are a dying nation falling into judgement we deserve, these days are numbered as this Bible study series reveals… GOD BLESS THE WORD AS IT GOES OUT

  5. Does anyone else feel like no matter how much biblical truth you can tell someone nowadays, it always seem like youre talking to a wall?

  6. Yes I do believe God has stepped aside and let The USA drown in their sin sick liberals an abomination to us all I am sorry Jesus God in the flesh please forgive Amen

  7. How do we to go to GOD.s KINGDOM living in america when he set's up his Kingdom in Jerusalem for his feast He says we have to show up I thought we would all be with him

  8. I’m going to start praying every night we get wiped off the map. We deserve it and I’m ready to go home.

  9. Dr you are one of the best Bible teachers. Thanks for what you are doing. For me: 72 hours to read the bible. It took me one year and by that time I already forgot what I started with.

  10. just an idea but because God loves threes I think we should call it the third coming because he came to Earth in the flesh and then he came back from the grave and then he'll be coming again with all the powers of His Glory and Heaven that He commands.
    I don't know it just makes more sense to me to say that it would be his third… but I know it's popular terminology to say second coming.

  11. Your Classes are great teaching of Gods word, you have an awesome heart after God… Could you recommend a Bible or anyone that is good to read with commentary with each page explaining things,, thanks Gods peace be with you

  12. Post Calvary does not God deal with the individual instead of collective punishment? The soul that sinneth it shall die. We are in no way a parallel to Israel as a nation. We are a parallel to Israel as a church. God’s chosen people were a nation with Israel and the Church with New Testament Believers. That’s why no letters were written to nation states but to Churches in cities in the book of Revelation. And judgment or reward was promised to those churches and nothing said about the nations they were in. The truth shall set us free.

  13. I see how spirit is leading you. Thank you for starting this school
    You were prepared for this hour
    The gift to us the proffesser
    True disciples want to learn !
    God speed on your journey !

  14. I would have to disagree, and justly claim that we are in the days of the Antichrist with all the many Christian and Catholic religions that distort the Bible they embrace sin, they also cover the earth with there lying tongues. Proud and stupid catholic/Christian as bile on earth. A true Messianic focuse on the difference between Transliteration and Direct Translation.

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