Gardening Supplies

Why I Never Release my Fish into the Wild


Portal Feeding Rings + duckweed:

My tank:
All the products I use:

Music: Dansez – Fasion



  1. 🏞️ The fish won’t ever leave their tank

    I understand the intention behind this comment, to let the fish be free (like a bird) but unfortunately setting fish into the wild will do more harm than good.

    They’ll likely die because the conditions of the outdoors don’t match their needs. If they do end up surviving, they can harm the native fish and ecosystem by overpopulating and introducing diseases and parasites.

    If you can’t keep a fish any longer here are some better ways to let them go:
    1. Give them to your local fish shop
    2. Rehome them on Craigslist

    Portals & duckweed available at! 🌱

  2. This is one of the reasons why I don't like the internet and social media. People always giving their opinions when it's not asked for or wanted. Don't listen to others and just do u lol

  3. It is also ilegal since is pet abandonment. That's like asking to leave your dog in the street.

  4. People thinking releasing their fish to the wild “is better for them” are the same people who cause ecological destruction of native environments. Putting a species into an ecosystem that it doesn’t belong in is literally what an invasive species is

  5. Yes you should because they belong in the wild and somebody called them and give them to you and they want to be where the real home is in the water in the ocean

  6. How do you make the portals to remove the duckweed? Do you make them or buy portals and where do you buy them? They are really cute

  7. Of course the person who made that comment had a dream account 💀 God they really do no favors for themselves

  8. Dear people: the government is spending a lot of money trying to keep invasive fish out of the Great Lakes, so avoid releasing live and dead fish into the water systems.

  9. What type of fish would you recommend for a beginner that has never had a fish before and what food is best to feed it?

  10. As a marine biologist, you are absolutely right! introduction of non-native species is almost always a bad thing. I'm glad you're trying to teach people the reasons as to why you can't release your fish!

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