
@gardendesignmag: From our Editor Thad Orr: I love the idea of growing unconventional plants in co…

From our Editor Thad Orr: I love the idea of growing unconventional plants in containers. One idea is to experiment with plants that might not otherwise work in your growing zone. For example, you can grow Ensete ventricosum ‘Maurelii’ (red banana) in colder zones and then relocate the plant, or the entire pot, in winter. The red banana is planted in a concrete pot and grouped with other plants such as crimson-flowered ‘Bush Ranger’ kangaroo paw and succulents. Don’t forget to subscribe to the magazine so you can read the entire article in the upcoming Summer 2017 issue! It’s out in early June. gardendesign.com Photo by Freia Turland. Design by Bob Purnell.
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