Backyard Garden

The McGregor Revamp – Take 2 – Post Hurricane Ian

The McGregor ReVamp – Post Hurricane Ian
Peer Landscaping


As you may know, we are a custom design and installation company based out of Fort Myers, Florida which means our hometown has been impacted tremendously by Hurricane Ian. The hurricane packed quite the punch, but we are fighting back to take our hometown and make it even more beautiful than it was before.

This was a property that we designed and intalled Pre-Hurricane Ian, but it has unfortunately all been swept away with the storm which means we get another shot to just make it even better than it once was.

Our client walked the property with us, and we were able to really discuss what we loved, and the things we feel we could have done jut a bit better with our last design and we are getting the opportunity to revamp this stunning home.

This house was a beast to design the first time, but stepping it up a nitch for round two has challenged us in new ways, but truthfully it has been so much fun to try new things for this home.

Our client LOVES butterfly gardens, so we have done a more elegant look from the roadside, while making the inside of the property look and feel like a much more natural and humble abode. We can not wait to show our client what we have come up with, and we hope to be installing this before Christmas to have this house in tip-top shape for any clients or guests who will be making their way into town.

Thank you for watching our video, and reading about our project. If you are interested in having a property designed like this one, feel free to reach out and we would be happy to meet and hear more about your project!



Also, if you are interested in a project like this, but worried you wouldn’t know the first thing about how to maintain it, that is okay too because we have a sister company that maintains our properties like these! Our sister company is called Fort Myers Garden Service and they are all about high end maintenance services. If this is something you would like to hear more about, please reach out and we would be happy to chat with you!

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