Container Gardening

Container Gardening Hugelkultur Bed Cucumbers Herbs Nettles And Zucchini

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  1. Thanks!

    I'm sure the woodchuck will be rearing his ugly head soon enough. I've already seen deer and rabbits in the big garden and the woodchuck visited the small garden once, but the cats ran him back in his hole. Of course the moles are having their way with everything, as usual.

  2. That's a good idea transplanting the lettuce. I might do that. thanks! We've had a lot of good rain this spring.

  3. Last year a lone nettle popped up in the yard, and by last month it had multiplied into a beautiful patch I could finally harvest from! Hang in there, you'll be enjoying nettle broth in no time- delicious. HedgeLiving/WitchodaWoods has some great vids on nettle and many other herbs. She's in SW WI so might be worth a gander if you haven't already checked her out.

  4. Yeah, I figure I'll be saving seeds from the spinach if anything. This is only the first or second time I've grown spinach, so not too sure what to expect.

  5. this hibiscus has to be brought in in the the winter. But, we have Rose of Sharon which stays out all year and grows into a large shrub with white flowers.

    I harvested the nettle late once it started to dry. Nettle seeds are tiny and I just waited until they would fall loose, didn't bother separating the chaff to plant.

  6. I can hardly wait on the nettles. I do like HedgeLiving, but haven't seen or heard from her in a long time now.

  7. I think planting in partial deep shade would help. Like on the east or west side of a building. This year Zone 5 and lower couldn't plant early, because the ground stayed froze, so the long days in full sun are causing the bolting (I think).

  8. Great update! I didn't know about radish being a good companion forsquash…I'm trying to grow squash for the first time…I'll definitely be planting some radish around them now…Cheers! 🙂

  9. I've been wondering what a good water retention item would be and you mentioned bark, good idea. It gets really dry here for our very long summers and I need something that will hold moisture in my pots.
    Your container garden is taking off!

  10. The bark wasn't my idea, but I figured I'd give it a shot. So far so good! I did end up poking holes in that cucumber pot too as we had a huge rainstorm and it was floating in water.

  11. I'd like to grow some box choy. I noticed my mesclun mix is starting to bolt a bit too, but the lettuce is off the hook. I don't get it. Usually my lettuce bolts right away.

  12. Everything is coming along great! Yeah, my spinach was the same this year. I had a cold hardy variety and it bolted really early. I had one that was in the shade that bolted later, but the harvest was still minimal. I think the spinach will be better in the fall, as opposed to the spring.

  13. all I have is a small apartment patio. upper level. I have containers of cilantro and chives, flowers….gonna plant some spinach so thanks for any tips

  14. Things are looking great in your containers! I plan on planting lots of greens (lettuce mixes, spinach,mustard,etc) in the Fall. I missed the Spring garden season due to traveling so I have only bits & pieces of straggly plants. Mostly some plants I got on Clearance & just planted to see how they would do? Take care.

  15. I noticed you had pine needles mulching the top of a hugelpot. I used the needles for the bottom of 20 One and two gallon pots, for drainage and to keep the soil from washing out. Planted with a variety of herbs and veggies. Within a few weeks the plants started dieing til all 20 had died. After researching the pine needles found that they were the cause. John rabeler

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